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1 ILC Physics and Detectors Akiya Miyamoto KEK 8-March-2005 APPI 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ILC Physics and Detectors Akiya Miyamoto KEK 8-March-2005 APPI 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ILC Physics and Detectors Akiya Miyamoto KEK 8-March-2005 APPI 2005

2 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 2 Contents ILC overview Physics - Highlights Detector – Concept studies Summary

3 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 3 International Linear Collider ICFA Decision  ICFA chose Superconducting Technology at ICHEP04, Beijing following the recommendation of ITRP  ITRP recommended a technology, but not a design. The final design is expected to be developed by a team drawn from the combined warm and cold linear collider communities.  GDI GDI: Based on MOU among labs. for accelerator R&D and design Organization under ILCSC. Central team + 3 regional teams.

4 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 4 ILC Schedule 2004.8 Adopted ‘Cold’ at IHEP, Beijing 2004.11 1 st ILC workshop at KEK 2005.2 Decide the director and location of Central GDI 2005. Establish Regional GDIs 2005.8 2 nd ILC workshop at Snowmass. Decide design outline ( acc. Gradient, 1/2 tunnel, dogbone/small DR, e+ generation, etc.) 2005 end Complete CDR 2007 end Complete TDR, role of regions, start site selection 2008 Decide the site, budget approval 2009 Ground breaking 2014 Start commisioning now

5 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 5 ILC Parameter TESLA is the baseline design, but many alternatives under discussion  Accelerating gradient : 35MeV/m or higher  Number of tunnels: 1, 2 or 3  Damping ring: dog bone or single  Positron production: undulator or conventional  Crossing angle: 0 ~ 30mrad  Number of Interaction Points : 1 or 2 Ecm: 1st phase 200 ~ 500 GeV, 2 nd phase 1000 GeV Luminosity: ~2x10 34 /cm/s for >500fb -1 in 4 years After Ecm upgrade, >1ab -1 in 4 years

6 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 6 Physics Opportunities at ILC Electron/positron collision (elementary process) High Energy and High Luminosity Energy scan (controllable) Controllable beam polarization Very sensitive detectors Trigger free Precise theoretical calculation (<1%) Precise physics information & long energy reach LHC gives us new single global mixed picture. I LC gives us new dynamic multi-dimensional total views.

7 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 7 Physics of EW symmetry breaking Model independent study of Higgs 4-jet 2-jet+missing 2 lepton+X Typical Higgs signal >10 5 Higgs for 500fb -1 ILC is a Higgs Factory! Decay mode independent Higgs search

8 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 8 Studies of Higgs Properties Energy scan self coupling Vertexing To tag b/c/ 

9 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 9 Beyond SM : SUSY LHC would discover SUSY phenomena quickly, however  Complicated cascade chain  Large SM and other SUSY backgrounds  Model dependence of new physics analyses Non-colored SUSY particles is usually lighter than colored SUSY particles  ILC ILC LHC Masses of neutralino and slepton are determined at O(0.1) GeV  improves LHC’s SUSY mass meas.

10 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 10 Cosmology and LC WMAP data suggest dark matter

11 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 11 Beyond SM : Extra Dimension Direct search n = number of extra dimension To be determined at ILC Indirect search G f, V, H e + e -  HH  Reflects spin2 nature of KK graviton  No SM backgrounds in HH channel  ~700 events detected @1TeV, 500fb -1 if Ms=2TeV N. Delerue, K. Fujii & N. Okada Odagiri

12 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 12 Masses of top, W sin 2  w  new physics effect in loop Precission Physics

13 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 13 Summary of ILC Physics

14 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 14 Detector for ILC experiments Good jet energy resolution  calorimeter inside a coil  highly segmented calorimeter Efficient & High purity b/c tagging  Thin VTX, put close to the IP  Strong solenoid field  Pixel type High momentum resolution Hermetic down to O(10)mrad Shiled enough against beam-related background Detector design Philosophy Muon detector Calorimeter Tracker Vertex detector Coil

15 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 15 “Super” detector Jets are copiously produced at ILC. Efficient detections of jets are crucial for physics involving W/Z/Top/H.. Study H to VV coupling at H.E. LEP likeILC target 5k events/4y

16 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 16 Particle Flow Analysis  jet 2 =  ch 2 +   2 +  nh 2 +  confusion 2 +  threashold 2  Charged ~ 60% by tracker  Gammas ~ 30% by EM cal  Neutral Hadron ~10% by HD cal. Separation of charged particle and  /neutral hadron is important Separation : BL 2 /R m ( if consider curvature by B)  L=R in (Barrel) or Z in (End Cap),  Rm=Effective Moliere length B=0 E(Energy stored in Coil) ~ B 2 L 3 therefore But If same cal. Segmentation is used

17 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 17 Vertex tagging To achieve high efficient and high purity b/c tagging, good vertex detector is crucial  put Vertex detector as close as possible

18 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 18 Vertex detector issues Compared to 4T case, pair background hit at R= 15mm becomes x1.7 larger in 3T At larger R, the background hit would decrease significantly The configuration of R=20 mm with Si thickness < 70  m and 500  m thick beam pipe at R=12 mm still satisfies the requirement of  b =5  10/(p  sin 3/2  )  m R (mm) B (T)Pair Background (hit/mm 2 /train) 1541.0 1531.7 2430.4 TRC500 beam parameters # of fired pixels ~ 5.0 pixels/hit Inner radius should be optimized based on physics performance using ILC parameter

19 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 19 Detector concepts B 5T R EM 1.27m 5 layers Si tracker W+Si Cal. EM seg. 0.5x0.5cm 2 B 4T R EM 1.68m TPC W+Si Cal. B 3T R EM 2.10m TPC W+Scinti. Cal. EM seg. 2x2cm 2 or strip All these parameters are subject to change SiD LCD “GLD”

20 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 20 WWS WWS(World Wide Study for Linear Collider Physics and Detector)  A committee for LC physics and Detectors under ILCSC. ( note : GDI/GDO is only for accelerator issues. )  3 Co-chairs from each region + 5~6 members from each region  Tasks  Organize LCWS seriese. 2005 at SLAC, 2006 at India  Promote experimental program until Global Lab. takes over its role. Feb. 2004, ILCSC asked the Worldwide Study to develop a plan for organizing the experimental program in parallel with the GDI for the machine.  WWS will organize: R&D panel, MDI panel, detector costing panel  WWS will request each concept teams to write “ Detector Outlines ”, which will be inputs for R&D panel.

21 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 21 Organization chart IUPAP ICFA (J.Dorfan) GDI Phys.&Det. Sub-Com (J.Brau, H.Yamamoto, D.Miller) ILCSC (M.Tigner) 3 regional steering com. ( Asia, N.A., Europe) Wold Wide Study Asian LCSC ACFA Phys.&Det. WG R&D panel Costing panel MDI panel

22 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 22 Time line of Experimental program GDI (Design) (Construction) Technology Choice Acc. 2004200520062007200820092010 CDR TDRStart Global Lab. Det. Detector Outline Documents CDRsLOIs R&D Phase Collaboration Forming Construction WWS Detector R&D Panel Tevatron SLAC B LHC HERA T2K TDRs

23 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 23 Summary Aims of the energy frontier experiment at ILC are  To unveil physics of EW symmetry breaking and to understand the structure of vacuum which is filled by Higgs  To unveil new physics and establish new principle  SUSY, …  Extra dimension …. After ITRP decision last year,  Accelerator activity is united and moving very fast towards CDR, TDR, …  A program to set up experimental program has been set up and LC community is moving along that direction.  Many events/decisions concerning ILC is expected this year.  LCWS2005(3/18-23, SLAC), 8 th ACFA(7/11-14), Snowmass(mid. Aug), LCWS2006(Feb/Mar, 2006)

24 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 24 Backup slides

25 GDI: First stage of GDO

26 A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 26 Merit of Huge Detector Good Jet Energy (Particle) Flow Measurement Good charged track separation in a jet at the inner surface of the calorimeter large BR 2 Pattern recognition is easier large n with thin material, small number of low momentum curling tracks Good momentum resolution for charged particles large BR 2 √n Good dE/dx measurement for charged particles large n Smaller relative volume of the dead space small ΔV/V for constant ΔV Good two track separation, Larger efficiency for Ks and Λ (any long lived) large BR 2, larger R

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