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MRI-WAFFLE CHRISTINA SIEBENEICHER. ANIMAL HISTORY-SIGNALMENT Waffle is a 8 year old spayed female dachshund Over the past few months waffle has been trouble.

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Presentation on theme: "MRI-WAFFLE CHRISTINA SIEBENEICHER. ANIMAL HISTORY-SIGNALMENT Waffle is a 8 year old spayed female dachshund Over the past few months waffle has been trouble."— Presentation transcript:


2 ANIMAL HISTORY-SIGNALMENT Waffle is a 8 year old spayed female dachshund Over the past few months waffle has been trouble getting around and yelps in pain when picked up Waffle can no longer jump onto the couch and doesn’t want to go on her nightly walks anymore

3 ANIMAL HISTORY-PHYSICAL EXAM BCS: 3/5 Attitude: QAR Temperature: 100.6 Respiration: 30 Heart Rate:120 There were no neurological defects detected When the vet palpates Waffle’s spine she yelps in pain

4 X-RAY RESULTS The X-RAY results were inconclusive so Waffle is referred to a specialist who can perform further testing

5 MRI Waffle’s owners decide to have her undergo an MRI to get a better diagnoses of what is causing her problems. Waffle is sedated prior to procedure to ensure she remains still

6 S AFETY PRECAUTIONS Before the scan is performed the tech makes sure to remove anything containing metal from waffle, including her harness and leash No one entering the room can do so before they are scanned for metal to ensure their safety

7 EQUIIPMENT USED Waffle will be placed in the MRI machine which is a circular machine which is basically a large magnet. There are many small pieces that consist of the MRI machine Examples include: magnetic shims to keep the magnetic field homogenous Gradients that are used to create the image An antenna to send and receive information that is obtained from the patient Surface coils that help to produce the image A computer where the image is displayed

8 TEST PREFORMED-RESULTS After reviewing the images it is determined that waffle has IVDD.

9 TREATMENT It is recommended that waffle has surgery to correct the problem The Vet prescribes an anti-inflammatory medication to help Waffle until her surgery

10 RESULTS The surgery was a success and waffle is no longer having issues with her back After spending eight weeks recovering in her crate she is back to her old self Her owners no longer allow her to jump off the bed or couch and have her on a strict diet to help ease the pressure on her back

11 CONCLUSION MRIs can be very useful in diagnosis of certain conditions of the brain and spinal cord. It can give the vet a clearer image and more detail than an x-ray

12 REFRENCES Brown, M., & Brown, L. (2014). Lavin's radiography for veterinary technicians (Fifth ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier. Clark's Fast Facts: Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). (n.d.). Retrieved February 5, 2015, from ml ml

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