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An Inspector Calls Lessons 2 and 3 Priestley’s politics and introduction to background and characters.

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2 An Inspector Calls Lessons 2 and 3 Priestley’s politics and introduction to background and characters

3 Life Quiz! Time to find out where you stand… Take your opinion lines. For each statement give yourself a number 1-6 depending on how strongly you agree

4 Capital Punishment It’s barbaric! A civilised nation does not kill its own people. A government needs to lead by example and send the message that killing is not acceptable. You can’t punish someone for murder by murdering them and retain any integrity. Anyone who kills wouldn’t be deterred by the threat of punishment anyway. It’s the only way to punish serious crime. An eye for an eye says the bible. If you kill, you should be killed yourself. Capital punishment is needed so that there is a strong deterrent for people not to commit serious crimes.

5 Health Care The Government has a responsibility to treat its citizens when they become ill. Regardless of who you are, you have the right to healthcare and the government must provide it by everyone paying taxes pay for it. You are responsible for yourself. If you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, you have to accept the consequences. Health care should be bought like anything else then you pay for what you need. You can get insurance if you can’t afford treatment and if you don’t, it’s your own fault.

6 Education Education is a human right. It is the only way for a society to get better and better. All children have the right to an equal education, regardless of their background so that no one has an unfair advantage. Those that don’t want education must not be allowed to reject it as it is they will realise too late that they have messed up their whole lives. Education is like anything else, if you want it, pay for it. State education is OK to make sure that everyone can read, write etc but if you want smaller classes, better facilities and to educate your child with away from those who don’t want it then you should be allowed to pay. Those who don’t want it can do as they like – it’s their choice.

7 Freedom The Government has a responsibility to control people’s freedom because not everyone in society is moral or capable. Therefore, drugs, guns etc need to be illegal so that there is less opportunity to commit crimes. People should be allowed to do as they please as long as they accept the consequences. If they want to take drugs, own guns etc let them – just punish them if they commit crimes.

8 Immigration We are one big community. If people want to move from one country to live in another, they should. The result is a better educated, more understanding, enriched society, A country should look after its own people and only allow in anyone who can make the country better. There needs to be a limit on numbers so that a country doesn’t become diluted with too much foreign influence.

9 Businesses Have a responsibility for the people who work for them. They should give them rights and good wages, not just focus on profits. Are there to make a profit. If they can pay people less and make more money, great. If not, they can employ someone who will work for less.

10 Overall Have rules and laws bit make sure that those who need more help get it and those who have advantages are not allowed to dominate and exploit those who don’t. The Government is responsible for its people. Have rules and laws and let people compete within that. If you do better, great. If you don’t, work harder or make changes. You are responsible for yourself.

11 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT HEALTHCARE EDUCATION FREEDOM IMMIGRATION BUSINESS OVERALL 61 My average political score Put 1,2 or 3 if you agree with me Put 4,5 or 6 if you agree with me

12 Score 1,2 or 3? You’re LEFT WING. You believe that the Government’s job is to create and sometimes force equality and therefore help those who need it, taking more from those who don’t. You support state education, immigration, the NHS and you believe that crime is committed mainly because society has failed to help those who need it and that education is better than punishment to reduce crime. You should vote Labour. Score 4,5 or 6? You’re RIGHT WING. You believe that the Government’s job is to create opportunity and encourage competition by rewarding those who succeed and not intervening to help those who don’t. You support private education and healthcare and you believe that crime is committed by people who chose to and they should be punished in order to discourage anyone else doing the same. You should vote Conservative.

13 Give1Get1 Statements about Priestley Take a statement and a blank grid then Give One, Get One until you have them all on your grid

14 During the 1930's, he became very concerned about the consequences of social inequality in Britain In 1942 Priestley and others set up a new political party, the Common Wealth Party, which argued for better treatment of vulnerable people He was influential in developing the idea of the Welfare State (unemployment benefit etc) He believed that further world wars could only be avoided through cooperation and mutual respect between countries. He was born John Priestley on September 13th 1894 He volunteered for the army in September 1914 and served for five years in England and France. In 1933, he undertook a journey round the country to experience the life of people in the industrial areas and the plight of the unemployed in the recession When he died, Michael Foot, the Labour Party leader called him “the conscience of a nation.” In “Margin Released” he reflected on his hellish experiences of war and the loss of his friends. Sent to the Front a second time in 1917, he was gassed and had to leave the trenches. Although he never wrote in great detail about his war experience it haunted him all his life. He was fascinated by the nature of time and it is a feature of many of his plays. In the 1950s, he wrote about his fear of nuclear war and was responsible for the formation of the CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) He declined both a knighthood and a peerage (the title of Lord) He died in 1984In WW2, he made broadcasts to the nation every week to boost morale


16 Based on what you’ve just learned about polical viewpoints and the Priestley facts, summarise his views and ideas in four clouds

17 %3B+charset%3Dutf8&SuppressCaching=1&page=1&pagesize=12&results=search&config=r esults_pre&attrib_1=SCHOOL_LEVEL_NAME&oper_1=eq&val_1_1=&attrib_2=SUBJECT_NA ME&oper_2=eq&val_2_1=&attrib_3=TOPIC&oper_3=eq&val_3_1=&attrib_4=SearchText&op er_4=eq&val_4_1=an+inspector+calls&clipsSearch.x=0&clipsSearch.y=0

18 The background of An Inspector Calls 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

19 Steven Daldry: 1945: Tom Priestley: 1912: Women: What are we told about or by the above?

20 What are they like and what do they do in the play? Mr Birling:Gerald Croft: Edna: Sheila Birling: Mrs Birling:Eric Birling:

21 What do you think has happened?

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