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Certified Coaches in Youth Initiatives Enhancing professional development of coaches supporting youth initiatives, developing and testing a new European.

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Presentation on theme: "Certified Coaches in Youth Initiatives Enhancing professional development of coaches supporting youth initiatives, developing and testing a new European."— Presentation transcript:

1 Certified Coaches in Youth Initiatives Enhancing professional development of coaches supporting youth initiatives, developing and testing a new European competence standard established by MoU ECVET and a transnational common curriculum applied through joint training events and mobility Erasmus+ EU Programme 2014-2020 Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships for Youth - Call for proposal 2013 EAC/S11/13 Agreement Number 2014-2-IT03-KA205-004452 ARIS formazione e ricerca Perugia, 22° Sept. 2015 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Partners: GIP FCIP de Paris

2 Formazione Specialistica sui contratti pubblici Novità introdotte dal Regolamento attuativo e dal decreto Sviluppo: dal bando all’esecuzione Consortium Meetings 2015 1. Perugia March Delayed 2. Paris May -Cancelled 3. Perugia 16 June Kick Off 4. Budapest July – Cancelled 5. Perugia - 22 September 6. Paris 10 November 2016 7 Budapest 20 January 8 Perugia 9 March 9 Paris 4 March 10 Budapest 5 July 11 Umbria 7 September 2017 12 Brussels 22 February

3 The activities that the project will organise are functional: 1) to develop and test at transnational level an innovative European competence standard and a common curriculum and learning pathway in youth work field, particularly for coaching of youth initiatives, targeted on professionals, people on labour market or training /studying for youth work; 2) to ensure, applying European (and the national too) principles and tools for transparency of learning outcomes and qualifications EQF, ECVET and Europass, recognition and certification of acquired skills and competences across involved EU countries. At these aims, the project will organise following preparatory and implementation activities: - Preparatory research for analysing both: the youth work professional field in each involved country, identifying existing figures, profiles, diplomas and qualifications, classifying them within EQF levels, and defining a shared professional perimeter to activate an ECVET process for the new European common competence standard “Coach in Youth Initiatives”; the results of studies on competences needed for coaching in youth initiatives, included good practices already implemented for the development of them (intellectual output “Report on analysis about European youth work professional field, competences needed for coaching in youth initiatives, and related best practices”); - Preparatory research on good practices already implemented for transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications, designing common competence standards utilising EQF approach, and applying ECVET (included MoU ECVET, Learning Agreements ECVET and ECVET Credits Awarding models with Europass Certificate Supplement), and transfer and adaptation of them to define an action plan for activating ECVET within shared European common professional perimeter (intellectual output “Action plan for the ECVET process to be activated in the coaching of youth initiatives professional field”);

4 - Definition of the design of the new European common competence standard (professional standard) “Coach in Youth Initiatives”, utilising the knowledge/skills/competences approach based on learning outcomes established by EQF, also taking into account specificities of concerned territorial youth work contexts and learning systems (intellectual output “Design of the new European common competence standard “Coach in Youth Initiatives”); - Definition and signature of the MoU ECVET formalising the new common competence standard “Coach in Youth Initiatives” (intellectual output “Memorandum of Understanding ECVET for the new European common competence standard “Coach in Youth Initiatives”); - Definition of the design of the common European curriculum (training standard) corresponding to the common competence standard established by MoU ECVET (intellectual output “European common curriculum for the competence standard Coach in Youth Initiatives”); - Definition of the design and organisation of transnational joint learning programme (through joint training events and mobility) coherent with concerned territorial youth work contexts and learning systems, to be tested within the project for allowing to interested persons across participating countries, the recognition of learning outcomes accordingly to competence standard established by MoU ECVET (intellectual output “Design of the joint training events and mobility to get the learning outcomes concerned by the MoU ECVET for Coach in Youth Initiatives”);

5 - Definition of common models for Learning Agreements ECVET, and for ECVET Credits Awarding with Europass Certificate Supplement, to be applied within joint training events and mobility (intellectual outputs “Common European Model for Learning Agreements ECVET”, and “Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding”); - Endorsement of the new European common competence standard established by MoU ECVET and of related training standard within concerned territorial youth work contexts and learning systems of involved countries (intellectual output “Report on the endorsement at national level of the new European common competence and training standards for Coaches in Youth Initiatives”). Beyond these preparatory and implementation activities, the project includes training activities (delivering of joint training events and mobility across involved country: training activities will be attended by at least 10 professionals, people on labour market or training/studying for youth work, in Italy, France and Hungary), management activities (management and coordination of project partnership and activities, included partnership agreement definition, set-up and maintenance of website, budget control and time management, and transnational project meetings; project quality planning and management), dissemination of targeted written material and policy recommendations, and multiplier events (Info-days/Focus Groups on project results in each involved country, also at European level).

6 Formazione Specialistica sui contratti pubblici Novità introdotte dal Regolamento attuativo e dal decreto Sviluppo: dal bando all’esecuzione F2 Project Activities F2.1 Intellectual Outputs and Activities 01 Report on analysis about European youth work professional field, competences needed for coaching in youth initiatives, and related best practices 02 Action plan for the ECVET process to be activated in the coaching of youth initiatives professional field 03 Design of the new European common competence standard “Coach in Youth Initiatives” 04 Memorandum of Understanding ECVET for the new European common competence standard “Coach in Youth Initiatives” 05 European common curriculum for the competence standard "Coach in Youth Initiatives 06 Design of the joint training events and mobility to get the learning outcomes concerned by the MoU ECVET "Coach in Youth Initiatives” 07 Common European Model for Learning Agreements ECVET "Coach in Youth Initiatives” 08 Common European Model for ECVET Credits Awarding “Coach in Youth Initiatives” 09 Report on the activities for the endorsement and application/testing within specific youth work contexts and learning systems of participating countries, of the new European common professional and training standards for "Coach in Youth Initiatives" 010 Project quality plan and progressive report on quality management, included activities for assessment of results also by means of achievement indicators, contingency, risk management and follow-up measures 011 Modular Information Package 012 Policy Recommendations

7 2.2 MULTIPLIER EVENTS (10) E1 Info-day / Focus group 1 “Analysis and preparatory researches on the professional field concerned by social entrepreneurial activities in participating countries” E2 Info-day / Focus group 2 “Analysis and preparatory researches on experiences and good practices already implemented on transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications, and on the ECVET process” E3 Info-day / Focus group 3 “Definition of the design of the European common competence standards (professional standards) for the new VET “Coach in Youth Initiatives” E4 Info-day / Focus group 4 “Definition and signature of the MoU ECVET for the new European common qualifications for “Coach in Youth Initiatives” E5 Info-day/Focus group 5 “Definition of the design of the common European VET curricula (training standards) corresponding to the common competence standards established by MoU ECVET for the new European common qualifications for “Coach in Youth Initiatives” E6 nfo-day / Focus group 6 “Definition of the design of the VET courses to be implemented in European involved countries for the new European common qualifications for “Coach in Youth Initiatives”established by MoU ECVET” E7 Info-day / Focus group 7 “Definition of an European common model for the Learning Agreements ECVET for the new European common qualifications for “Coach in Youth Initiatives” established by MoU ECVET” E8 nfo-day / Focus group 8 "Definition of an European common model for the ECVET Credits Awarding for the new European common qualifications “Coach in Youth Initiatives” established by MoU ECVET” E9 nfo-day / Focus group 9 "Results, before the testing of VET courses, of the endorsement within NQFs/RQFs of involved countries of the new European qualifications for “Coach in Youth Initiatives” established by MoU ECVET" E10 Info-day / Focus group 10 “Endorsement and testing within NQFs/RQFs of involved countries of the new European qualifications for “Coach in Youth Initiatives” established by MoU ECVET”

8 + Learning / Teaching / Training Activities Activities Short-term training events for youth workers: Italian short training event (C1), to be organised in Italy in late September 2016 Hungarian short training event (C2), to be organised in Hungary in October 2016 French short training event (C3), to be organised in France in early November 2016 Long-term mobility of youth workers Mobility in Hungary of Italian people (C4), to be realised in the period mid- November 2016 - mid-February 2017 Mobility in Italy of Hungarian people (C5), to be realised in the period mid- November 2016 - mid-February 2017 Mobility in Italy of French people (C6), to be realised in the period mid-November 2016 - mid-February 2017 Mobility in France of Italian people (C7), to be realised in the period mid-November 2016 - mid-February 2017 Mobility in France of Hungarian people (C8), to be realised in the period mid- November 2016 - mid-February 2017 Mobility in Hungary of French people (C9), to be realised in the period mid- November 2016 - mid-February 2017

9 Activity O1-A1 – Analysis and preparatory researches on European youth work professional field, competences needed for coaching in youth initiatives, and related best practices Intellectual Output O1 – Report on analysis about European youth work professional field, competences needed for coaching in youth initiatives, and related best practices The “Coaching Youth Initiatives - Guide for Supporting Youth Participation” of the SALTO-YOUTH Participation Resource Centre and The competence standard for supporting non-formal and informal learning established by MoU ECVET within the LLP – LdV ToI project “ECVET for Non-Formal and Informal Building Safety Trainers” (cfr., analysis common tool 2) July 2015 (analysis carried out by the applicant Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa, in collaboration with the Italian partners Arte Cultura e Dintorni, ASAD Cooperativa Sociale, and Regione Umbria)

10 Activity O2-A1 – Analysis and preparatory researches on experiences and good practices already implemented on transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications, and on the ECVET process Intellectual Output O2 – Action plan for the ECVET process to be activated in the coaching of youth initiatives professional field The LdV ToI project “Highlight the Competences” And The LdV ToI project “European Nature System” Activity O2-A1 – Analysis and preparatory researches on experiences and good practices already implemented on transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications, and on the ECVET process Intellectual Output O2 – Action plan for the ECVET process to be activated in the coaching of youth initiatives professional field July 2015 (analysis carried out by the applicant Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa, in collaboration with the Italian partners Arte Cultura e Dintorni, ASAD Cooperativa Sociale, and Regione Umbria)

11 Activity O3-A1 Definition of the design of the European common competence standard (professional standard) “Coach in Youth Initiatives” Intellectual Output O3 Design of the new European common competence standard “Coach in Youth Initiatives” September 2015

12 INDEX Premise: : main features of O3-A1 activity and related O3 intellectual output Section A - Activities, tasks, skills, knowledge, learning outcomes units and units parts, and ECVET credits characterising the “Coach in Youth Initiatives” qualification: Standard competence elements common to all participating countries Section B - Activities, tasks, skills, knowledge, learning outcomes units and units parts, and ECVET credits characterising the “Coach in Youth Initiatives” qualification: Standard competence elements specific for countries -Italian Addendum -French Addendum -Hungarian Addendum ECVET Credits Recapitulation Tables: activities, learning outcomes /competences units and units parts, and ECVET credits, for European common and for country specific sections ECVET Credits Final General Recapitulation Table

13 Activity O4-A1 Definition and signature of the MoU ECVET for the new European common competence standard “Coach in Youth Initiatives” Intellectual Output O4 Memorandum of Understanding ECVET for the new European common competence standard “Coach in Youth Initiatives” INDEX Introduction Background to general context of MoU Existing provisions for the MoU at European level Definitions General and specific objectives of the MoU Form and content of the MoU Participants Purpose of the MoU Ratification and effectiveness of the MoU Appendix 1 – The new European common competence standard “Coach in Youth Initiatives” Appendix 2 – Mechanisms for the implementation of the MoU MoU adhesion signatures Paris, France – 10 th of November 2015

14 Intellectual Output O10 – Project quality plan and progressive report on quality management, included activities for assessment of results also by means of achievement indicators, contingency, risk management and follow-up measures INDEX Premise Objectives Methodology Contents Quality planning Monitoring model Result and impact indicators Survey tools Reporting system Quality implementation procedure Quality control Corrective actions Involved actors Quality Assurance Appendix 1 – Chronogram (Gantt diagram) Appendix 2 - Survey schemes June 2015(drafted by the applicant Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa)

15 Many thanks! Umberto Lepri Mobile 00 39 338 2206756 Tel. 0039 075 9293133 Skype: umbertolepri E-mail: - Enrico Libera Mobile 0039 348 6759523 Skype: enrico.libera1 E-mail: ARIS formazione e ricerca Strada Santa Lucia 8, 06125 Perugia, Italy Tel. 0039 075 5848056 E-mail:

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