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DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE WBCSD Position on Sustainable Development Reporting Initiatives This document determines the policy of WBCSD for addressing.

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Presentation on theme: "DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE WBCSD Position on Sustainable Development Reporting Initiatives This document determines the policy of WBCSD for addressing."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE WBCSD Position on Sustainable Development Reporting Initiatives This document determines the policy of WBCSD for addressing guidance initiatives of other organizations in the area of corporate sustainable development reporting.

2 DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE Fundamental issues  WBCSD believes that there will be an increasing demand for corporate sustainable development reporting and dialogue with numerous stakeholders  WBCSD recognizes that on a medium/long term a high demand for ”standardized” or “normalized” sustainable development performance information from companies is most likely.  WBCSD finds it of key importance that businesses influence the framework conditions for SDR as an emerging corporate undertaking.  As a leading business voice on SD and business, WBCSD should establish and maintain influence, where appropriate.

3 DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE Creating a WBCSD position on GRI  We have a collection of members viewpoints and opinions on GRI Guidelines (technical content)  We need to develop a position on GRI as a permanent institution

4 DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE Principles and criteria for engagement MonitoringInterested, contributing SponsoringEndorse, process and/or result Take responsibility partnering Logistical support Intellectual support Reasonably commitment of members intentions Principles Criteria

5 DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE Principles 1.Maintain WBCSD Reputation 2.Applicability 3.Balance The WBCSD will not engage in any initiative that puts the understanding of WBCSD function and reputation at an unacceptable risk. Guidelines should be reasonably suitable to allow individual companies to report their SD business case Preference to guidance that are created via a multi- stakeholder approach

6 DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE Criteria 1. Mission 2. Outreach 3. Make a difference Is the initiative and its subject matter in accordance with the WBCSD mission Is the initiative international regional or global. Is the initiative likely to influence the SD Reporting agenda - because of its scale of significance and support, or its innovative level, approach or content - Strategic fit

7 DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE Criteria 4. Overseeing and governing bodies e.g. 5. Processes applied to select topics, and developing and issuing guidance Processes relate to aspects such as;  selection/appointment of members e.g.  decision making There should be a clear recognition of which parties and/or stakeholder-groups that any person represent - Due processes Does the issuing organization follow due processes to ensure that relevant and legitimate parties and viewpoints are considered in such a way that provides inclusiveness and transparency, with regards to:

8 DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE Criteria 6. Is the initiative generally recognized. This means that society in general subscribes to it (like generally accepted accounting standards). It is assumed that because of their emerging nature no initiative could today claim to be generally recognized (In the meantime the criteria Due Processes will substitute) - recognition This criteria is expected to be increasingly applied as the SD Reporting agenda matures All criteria should be met to a reasonable extent

9 DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE Role of engagement  The extent and depth of WBCSD engagement is derived from the degree to which the engagement advances the achievement of the WBCSD’s mission.  WBCSD does not enter or agree to positions on any reporting guidelines, standards or criteria that in fact, nor in appearance, are binding to members of the WBCSD.  WBCSD should regularly review its position towards certain guidance, standards or criteria in light of the degree of uptake, endorsement or subscription, or support for those criteria in question, by members of WBCSD.  WBCSD supports that financing has to be balanced reflecting a multi-stakeholder approach.

10 DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE WBCSD engagement MonitoringInterested, contributing SponsoringEndorse, process and/or result Take responsibility partnering Logistical support Intellectual support Reasonably commitment of members intentions Matrix on engagement role and means WBCSD may engage in various aspects within the initiative or undertaking, such as governance, strategy and policy, as well as technical content and processes.

11 DEDICATED TO MAKING A DIFFERENCE Process and timeline for issuing of WBCSD Policy Paper March 29; High level presentation to LD´s April 22; Final draft to LD´s for comments May 22; Deadline for comments from LD May 29; Submission of final paper to Exco June 12; Exco to approve policy

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