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Christ Baptist Church Fall 2015 / Spring 2016. 1.What was the dispute about in Acts 15? Why might the Jewish believers have thought that a Gentile must.

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1 Christ Baptist Church Fall 2015 / Spring 2016

2 1.What was the dispute about in Acts 15? Why might the Jewish believers have thought that a Gentile must be circumcised in order to be saved? Acts 6:7 7 And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith. From Galatians 5:1-6, what was Paul’s position concerning the circumcision of Gentile believers?

3 How did the church decide to handle the problem? What do we learn about the Pharisees that would explain their insistence upon keeping the law of Moses? Matthew 3:7-9, Mark 7:3, Luke 11:42 Can you think of some ways in which people are legalistic like this today?

4 Who met together to look into the matter? v6 How controversial do you think this matter was? v7 After much discussion, who spoke to the council? Why would his recommendation be very important? From Peter’s speech, how had God acknowledged His acceptance of the Gentiles?

5 What distinction had God made between Jewish and Gentile believers? v9 What had God done for both Jewish and Gentile believers?v9 How are both Gentiles and Jews saved? Give verses. v11 How does Peter say the Judaizers were treating God? v10 What do you think it means to test God? How were they treating the Gentile believers? v10

6 What did Paul and Barnabas share with the council? Who spoke next and how did he support what Simon Peter had said? From what prophet did he quote? According to prophecy, what would be the wonderful result of God rebuilding the house of David?

7 What was James’ conclusion? What restrictions did he suggest putting on the Gentiles? Connect the restrictions with the Scripture passages the OT passages. 2.How was a decision made, and what did the Jerusalem council decide? Genesis 9:3-4 Exodus 34:12-15 Leviticus 17:10-11&14 Leviticus 18:6-23

8 What rebuke do you find of the Judaizers? v24 What praise do you find for Paul and Barnabas? V25, 26 Who would confirm the letter in person by word of mouth to the Antioch church? v27 Who had been the guide in making the final decision? v27

9 How did the church at Antioch receive the letter? How was the church further encouraged after receiving the letter? How do the following Scriptures support the decision made by the council in Jerusalem? Romans 14:1 Romans 14:13 Romans 14:19 1 Corinthians 10:23-24 1 Corinthians 10:32-33

10 3.Why did Paul's teaching of salvation by grace through faith cause so much division and confusion? 4.Why were the legalists so dangerous? 5.If we are saved by God's grace through faith in Christ, where do obedience or action or duty fit in? 6.How had God prepared Peter to understand and champion what God was doing for the Gentiles?

11 7.What were the purposes of the law? What can't the law do? 8.What was the point of the practical decision the council made about how to live the Christian life? 9.How did the council's decision affect what the church eventually became? 10.What can we learn today from this serious challenge to the early church?

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