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 Getting Started in Your First Three Weeks Brian W. Simmons, LMSW.

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1  Getting Started in Your First Three Weeks Brian W. Simmons, LMSW

2 What is My Role?  As a practicum students, you have two roles.  As a Student you will be Learning from:  Field Instructor  Staff Members  Faculty Liaison  Other Class Members  As an Intern, you will be Providing Services for:  Clients  Agency  Community Partners  Remember, at all times, you represent yourself, UGA, and social work as a profession.

3 Where to Start:  Meet with your field instructor.  Make introductions to other staff members.  Learn not only who they are, but what role they play.  Ask questions and closely observe other employees.  Learn first by observing, then by doing.

4 Field Instructor  Your field instructor can be:  Your greatest ally.  A mentor and teacher.  Your first line of support.  An advocate for both you and your clients.

5 Study Your Agency  Review agency policy manuals, mission statements, procedural handbooks, and any other materials available.  Identify:  What is the purpose of the agency?  Is there a particular philosophy driving the agency?  Who do we serve?  How do we serve?  To whom are we accountable?

6 Observation  Learn through observing.  Not just what other workers do, but how they do it.  How do others express empathy, engage in active listening, confront clients, problem solve, etc?  Remember, you are also being watched.  Your supervisor, other staff, and clients are all watching you to see how you fit with the agency.  How do you want to be remembered?

7 Show Initiative  Don’t be afraid to volunteer your time and knowledge.  Let your supervisor know if you don’t have enough to do.  Challenge yourself.  Demonstrate your effectiveness and value to the agency.  Return to your learning contract.

8 Be Reliable  If you agree to a task, do it.  Arrive on time and in appropriate attire.  Be attentive and follow directions.

9 Embrace Learning  The end…or just the beginning?  Although this is a culminating experience as a student, it is just the beginning of a path of lifelong professional learning.  Be open to feedback and constructive critique from your field instructor, faculty liaison, and staff members.  View each experience, regardless of the “outcome,” as a valuable learning experience.  Remember to learn what not to do as well as what to do.

10 To Err is Human  Just as a fish is expected to swim and a bird is expected to fly, a human is expected to make errors.  You will make “mistakes.” If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be human.  Spoiler alert: Your field instructor and faculty liaison know you’re human. We won’t be surprised when you show limitations. Don’t try to hide this.  However, don’t let this be a justification to provide less than your highest performance.

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