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Children’s Trust Board JSNA: Children and Young People.

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Presentation on theme: "Children’s Trust Board JSNA: Children and Young People."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children’s Trust Board JSNA: Children and Young People

2 JSNA: Children and Young People Refresh of data and analysis is in progress New sections are complete – awaiting approval In future, the JSNA (all chapters) will be in a new format – this has been piloted for the Child Poverty section only There are some emerging key messages from the updated sections

3 JSNA : Key Messages Demographics Nottinghamshire 0-19 population: 2011 population was 180,700 in 2011, decreased by 0.5% since 2001, compared to national increase of 3.3% Projected to increase by 6,200 (3.5%) in next 10 years, compared to 7.8% nationally Projected increase includes considerable variation across age groups National socioeconomic changes are reflected in Nottinghamshire: More children with complex medical needs and disabilities Increase in unemployment, including for young adults Decrease in average family income More lone parents More children referred to children’s social care

4 Source: NCC: JSNA children and young people’s chapter (2013 refresh) using projections from Office for National Statistics, 2013 based on mid-2011 population (census) projected to increase by 6,200 (3.5%) between 2011 and 2021 JSNA: Key Messages Nottinghamshire 0-19 population

5 JSNA: Key Messages Inequalities Outcomes for children and young people across the County as a whole are often similar to or better than national averages There are significant inequalities in outcomes within the County: –Variable outcomes across localities, between districts and within districts –Poorer outcomes for vulnerable groups, e.g. children from lower income families, looked after children, young parents, disabled children

6 JSNA: Key Messages Inequalities in outcomes by locality Sources: NCC: JSNA children and young people’s chapter (2013 refresh) NCC: Children’s Trust Performance Reports

7 Outcomes for vulnerable groups Educational attainment gap between pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and the rest % 5+ A*-C at GCSE (including English and mathematics) Non-FSM FSM Non-FSM FSM % 5+ A*-C at GCSE (including English and mathematics) Sources: NCC: JSNA children and young people’s chapter (2013 refresh) NCC:GCSE and other equivalent qualifications in 2011/12 examinations I in Nottinghamshire

8 JSNA: Children and Young People Recommended next steps Publish updated data/analysis on NCC website once it has been approved by: – the CT Board –the HWB Strategy, JSNA and Outcomes Group Develop an Executive Summary: –Focus on analysis/evaluation of inequalities within Nottinghamshire –Will identify areas of greatest need – geographic and considering vulnerable groups –Available summer 2013 to support the development of Children, Young People and Families Plan 2014-17

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