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The Roaring Twenties! AMERICA’S POST WWI PROBLEMS: n INFLATION! –Government spending during WWI had nearly doubled the cost of living –Prices rose so.

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Presentation on theme: "The Roaring Twenties! AMERICA’S POST WWI PROBLEMS: n INFLATION! –Government spending during WWI had nearly doubled the cost of living –Prices rose so."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Roaring Twenties!

3 AMERICA’S POST WWI PROBLEMS: n INFLATION! –Government spending during WWI had nearly doubled the cost of living –Prices rose so much that consumers could not afford new items

4 LABOR UNREST n HIGH PRICES contributed to labor unrest n Many strikes:

5 NATIVISM n Rises during the 1920s due to the massive rise in immigration n From low economic levels… n Posed a threat to jobs for Americans What is the main idea of this cartoon?

6 THE RED SCARE! n Fear that Communist leaders & labor unions planning a revolution n Reflects return to isolationism n Resulted from: n Attorney General Mitchell Palmer – “The Fighting Quaker” leads n Attorney General Mitchell Palmer – “The Fighting Quaker” leads Palmer Raids – 10,000 suspects - beginnings of FBI n Results of Red Scare:

7 SACCO & VANZETTI TRIAL, 1921 n Italian immigrants n Accused of murder n Sketchy evidence but convicted n Executed 1927 n Symbolizes Bartolomeo Vanzetti and Nicola Sacco (Dedham courthouse, 1923)

8 CHANGES TO INDUSTRY INTRODUCED BY HENRY FORD n ASSEMBLY LINE! –His greatest achievement –Divided operations into simple tasks that could be done by –From 12+ hrs. to 1.5 hrs. for a Model T n AUTOMOBILE now affordable to all –Model T – a/k/a “Tin Lizzy” –Becomes symbol of the new age –Ford built half of all autos in world between 1908 & 1927



11 Model T Automobile Henry Ford I want to pay my workers so that they can afford my product!

12 “Model T” Prices & Sales

13 WAYS THE AUTO CHANGES LIFE IN AMERICA: n Creates many new small businesses n Tractors replaced animals on farms –Workers can now commute to cities – don’t need to live there n Trolleys replaced by buses n Isolation of rural areas lessened n Whole families became more mobile –Sunday Drives

14 First school buses were red Later changed to yellow WHY?

15 LUCKY LINDY n Charles Lindbergh - “Spirit of St. Louis” n 1 ST nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic n NY to Paris – 33.5 hours, May 20-21, 1927 n Helps restore America’s confidence in themselves & their pioneer spirit n Impact of airplane? Loses his “shining reputation” – why?


17 n AMELIA EARHARDT 1 ST Woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, 1928 n 2 nd solo flight (& 1 st woman) across Atlantic, 1932 n Lost at sea, 1937


19 More Daredevils Fads of the 20’s included dancing marathons, playing mah-jongg, flagpole sitting, yo-yo's, goldfish eating, pogo sticks, and roller-skating to name a few!

20 n KDKA – first broadcast of voice carrying radio –Subject? n NBC & CBS n Were the first to sell advertising time n Impact of radio? n Stimulated America’s demand for goods n Advertising Industry mushrooms! n “Golden Age of Sports”


22 A “CONSUMER ECONOMY” n Defined as an economy that relies on a large amount of consumer spending –It leads to large profits for businesses – pushes up wages – and encourages more spending n Is fueled by higher wages, clever advertising, new products, lower costs &

23 CREDIT! nInInstallment Plan buying nPnPrimary method for purchase of cars, radios, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, etc.

24 Golden Age of Sports Golden Age of Sports –T–The Bambino –T–The Home Run King! –S–Sultan of Swat! n6n60 Home runs in one season -1927

25 nNnNotre Dame led in football nBnBoxing star was

26 JIM THORPE n Won Olympic Gold Medals in Pentathlon & Decathlon n Played college & professional football – become President of NFL n Played Major League Baseball n Also had career in basketball. n Subsequently lost his Olympic titles when it was found he had played two seasons of minor league baseball prior to competing in the games n Medals restored, 30 years after his death (1983)

27 n Industry moves from NY to LA – why? n Talking pictures by 1927 n Stars: –Charlie Chaplin –Rudolph Valentino –Douglas Fairbanks –Gloria Swanson –Mary Pickford THE MOVIES!


29 Helen Keller meeting Charlie Chaplin

30 Filming the MGM Logo

31 WOMEN OF THE 20’S n “FLAPPERS” BUT, few really dressed more daringly –Most are NOT true flappers

32 WOMEN OF THE 20’S n New technology at home n Vaccum cleaners n Washing machines n Still face discrimination outside home

33 NOTABLE WOMEN OF THE 20s Margaret Sanger Alice Paul

34 –M–MARY MCLEOD BETHUNE –N–National Council of Negro Women »W»Works through bringing law suits to try and get equal rights for blacks University

35 Miss America1924

36 Music & Dance n JAZZ! n Dixieland bands & ragtime - New Orleans –First great Jazz trumpet soloist n Band –Improv & orchestra

37 Music & Dance n Bessie Smith –“Empress of the Blues” n Charleston –dance craze!

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