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 Are a juicy “stone fruit”  Native fruit of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Philippines  Major crop of Mexico  Also grown in Florida.

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3  Are a juicy “stone fruit”  Native fruit of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Philippines  Major crop of Mexico  Also grown in Florida

4  Mango trees can live for hundreds of years  Some have been known to bear fruit after 300 years!  Mango trees cannot survive freezing and drying weather  Mangoes were first imported to the American colonies in the 17 th century

5  Mangoes are widely used in cuisine for:  Chutneys  Pickles  Side Dishes  Preserves  Eaten and enjoyed raw

6  Mangoes are known as the “King of Fruits” because of their rich nutrients  One cup of Mangoes has only 105 calories  Contains 76% of daily Vitamin C  Contains 25% of daily Vitamin A

7  Fight cancer  Keep cholesterol in check  Are a good skin cleanser  Regulate diabetes  Aid in eye care  Help in digestion  Strengthen immune system  Excellent source of iron


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