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Love’s Minimum.  The striving to ensure the well being of others, as well as ourselves.

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Presentation on theme: "Love’s Minimum.  The striving to ensure the well being of others, as well as ourselves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Love’s Minimum

2  The striving to ensure the well being of others, as well as ourselves


4  Actions of the Samaritan ◦ Helped the man ◦ Helped to develop his own compassion and character  Actions of the avoiders ◦ Did not help the man ◦ Reinforced his selfishness and coldness

5  What does this mean????  PRACTICE

6  Old Testament p. 111  New Testament  Teachings of the Church…Pope Paul’s statement… “ Love’s minimum requirement ”

7 It is the lack of concern for, and the violation of the well being of others or oneself.

8 Love’s minimum requirement

9  We are valuable in God’s eyes All of God’s creation is good and therefore has worth….. And from this belief we have RIGHTS

10  Things that we must have if we are to be what God intended us to be.

11  Survival Rights ◦ Food, water, shelter, job, nurturing of the young, physical safety, health care  “Thrival” Rights ◦ Things we need to grow, be enriched, to be full of life ◦ Examples:Education, respect, privacy, freedoms, art

12  Justice is the guardian of rights because honoring rights is essential for dignity and integrity

13 1. Individual 2. Social 3. Distributive 4. Ecological

14  Obligations between individuals, one to one relationships  Simplest form of justice.  One person’s obligation to another because of their relationship—contract, deal, family, friendship….

15  Neighbors  Friends  Classmates  Teachers  Drivers

16  What are your parents obligation to you?  What are your obligations to them?


18  Is concerned with what belongs to all people in common, to the community or society as a whole.  Communities have needs that must be met if they are to provide a healthy environment in which all members can thrive.

19 The Common Good

20  It is the condition that enables all its members to flourish.  It is an ideal toward which every society must strive “valiantly” if it intends to be just.

21  What each person must give to the community varies with the need of the community and the personal circumstances of each member.

22  Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more. (Luke 12:48)

23  Leave no one out  Service in the community

24  Vandalism  Get all you can mentality


26  The Christian way is to look at reality and respond with sensitivity to the well being of all and not just yourself.

27  Governments and private businesses have to be organized in such a way that burdens and benefits are shared and distributed fairly to individuals in society.


29  Distribution of resources 1. 2. 3.

30  We already have: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, minimum wage.. ARE WE DONE???

31  Work  Politics  Volunteer



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