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Learning Lessons From Disaster Management Diplomacy For Climate Change Diplomacy Ilan Kelman Michael Glantz Rebecca Paxton.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Lessons From Disaster Management Diplomacy For Climate Change Diplomacy Ilan Kelman Michael Glantz Rebecca Paxton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Lessons From Disaster Management Diplomacy For Climate Change Diplomacy Ilan Kelman Michael Glantz Rebecca Paxton

2 Disaster Diplomacy  How and why disaster-related activities do and do not reduce conflict and create cooperation.  Conclusion: -Catalysis, not creation. -Short-term, but not long-term.

3 Climate Change Diplomacy Lessons  Climate change is a long-term issue.  Climate change might not help in resolving wider conflicts.  Non-state influences are important.

4 Climate Change Diplomacy and Disaster Diplomacy  In theory, root causes of conflict, disaster, and climate change should be tackled.  In practice, that is not always feasible.

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