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1. Temperance Movement Frances Willard The Beecher Family 1826 - American Temperance Society “Demon Rum”! R1-6.

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3 1. Temperance Movement Frances Willard The Beecher Family 1826 - American Temperance Society “Demon Rum”! R1-6

4 Annual Consumption of Alcohol

5 The Drunkard’s Progress From the first glass to the grave, 1846

6 2. Social Reform  Prostitution The “Fallen Woman” Sarah Ingraham (1802-1887) e1835  Advocate of Moral Reform eFemale Moral Reform Society focused on the “Johns” & pimps, not the girls. R2-1

7 3. The Anti-Masonic Movement FreemasonsAnti-Masons eindividual belief in God einternational brotherhood emiddle- and upper-class appeal eelitist and secret eun-American & un-democratic eanti-republicanism

8 View of a Mason Taking His First Oath

9 The Morgan Affair William Morgan (1774-1827)

10 The Decline of Anti-Masonry 1828  they supported J. Q. Adams and not Andrew Jackson. 1831  hosted their political convention in Baltimore. 1832  ran William Wirt for President. Their pol. strength  New England & New York Why? By mid-1830s their influence declined. Long-Term Influence: 1. Pol. convention instead of caucuses. 2. Introduced the party platform. 3. Brought lower- and lower-middle class into the political process.

11 4. Educational Reform Religious Training  Secular Education  MA  always on the forefront of public educational reform * 1 st state to establish tax support for local public schools.  By 1860 every state offered free public education to whites. * US had one of the highest literacy rates.

12 “Father of American Education” Horace Mann (1796-1859)  children were clay in the hands of teachers and school officials  children should be “molded” into a state of perfection  discouraged corporal punishment  established state teacher- training programs R3-6

13 5. Penitentiary Reform Dorothea Dix (1802-1887) 1821  first penitentiary founded in Auburn, NY R1-5/7

14 The McGuffey Eclectic Readers  Used religious parables to teach “American values.”  Teach middle class morality and respect for order.  Teach “3 Rs” + “Protestant ethic” (frugality, hard work, sobriety) R3-8

15 Women Educators e Troy, NY Female Seminary e curriculum: math, physics, history, geography. e train female teachers Emma Willard (1787-1870) Mary Lyons (1797-1849) e 1837  she established Mt. Holyoke [So. Hadley, MA] as the first college for women.

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