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What do we worry about? Iran with a nuke Terrorist strike in USA Deteriorating freedoms & opportunities Stock market crashes Economic recessions & depressions.

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Presentation on theme: "What do we worry about? Iran with a nuke Terrorist strike in USA Deteriorating freedoms & opportunities Stock market crashes Economic recessions & depressions."— Presentation transcript:


2 What do we worry about? Iran with a nuke Terrorist strike in USA Deteriorating freedoms & opportunities Stock market crashes Economic recessions & depressions Layoffs, cut-backs, slow-downs

3 The Bible tells us not to worry, Phil. 4:6, 7 Turn to God Pour out your heart to God Find help & hope in God


5 Regions affected by natural disasters Gen. 41-47 7 years of plenty, 7 years of famine Food ran out, Gen. 47:13 Money failed, Gen. 47:15 Possessions sold, Gen. 47:16, 17 People & land sold, Gen. 47:19, 23

6 War brought economic upheaval to a nation 2 Kgs. 6 & 7 Enemy laid siege to Samaria, 2 Kgs. 6:24 Donkey heads & dove dung, 2 Kgs. 6:25 Ate their own children, 2 Kgs. 6:28, 29 Abundant food predicted, 2 Kgs. 7:1 Lepers found enemy gone, 2 Kgs. 7:3-6 City was relieved, 2 Kgs. 7:16

7 Man’s life plagued by poverty, Lk. 16:19-22 One man rich & comfortable Lazarus poor & sick Death brought relief

8 The God of heaven ruled in all these accounts Watched over His people God may be working something out

9 God will take care of you, Mt. 6:25-32 Given you a body & life, Psa. 139:13, 14 Provides for creation – lower & higher Do not follow the world

10 Keep your priorities straight, Mt. 6:33, 34 Seek the kingdom & His righteousness ­Kingdom – Church, Mt. 16:18, 19 ­Righteousness – Truth, Rom. 1:16, 17 ­First

11 Keep your priorities straight, Mt. 6:33, 34 God will provide for you ­All things added ­Do not be obsessed with cares of life

12 Material goods are temporary, Mt. 6:19 Theft, 1 Kgs. 21:14-16 Decay, Heb. 1:10, 11 Destruction, Joel 1:4 Life, Prov. 23:4, 5 Will dissolve, 2 Pt. 3:10-12

13 Heavenly treasures are immovable & eternal, Mt. 6:19, 20 Inheritance, 1 Pt. 1:3-9 ­Incorruptible ransom, 1 Pt. 1:17-19 ­Incorruptible seed, 1 Pt. 1:22-25 ­Incorruptible body, 1 Cor. 15:42-55 ­Incorruptible crown, 1 Cor. 9:24, 25

14 Heavenly treasures are immovable & eternal, Mt. 6:19, 20 Inheritance, 1 Pt. 1:3-9 Cannot be defrauded, Jn. 10:27-29

15 Our hearts follow our treasure, Mt. 6:21 Where do you invest the following ­Time ­Money ­Energy & Efforts

16 Our hearts follow our treasure, Mt. 6:21 What is your heart set on? ­Graduating ­College ­Marriage ­Career ­Retirement ­Heaven

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