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Standard Deviation by Hand 9 – Step Process See 4.2 WS.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard Deviation by Hand 9 – Step Process See 4.2 WS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard Deviation by Hand 9 – Step Process See 4.2 WS

2 Now the Easy Way Standard Deviation can be found on the calculator Same screen we have been using Steps  Enter data in a list  Stat, Calc, 1  S x is the sample standard deviation

3 Everything Changes Consider our set a 56, 45, 78, 98, 64, 56, 79, 80, 97, 47, 26 What Happens if We Add 1 More Data Point? Write down the following for our current set a  Mean  Median  Range  IQR  Standard Deviation Now add 110 to the data set and find the same information

4 CW – B1: All students in a PE class completed a basketball free-throw shooting event and the highest number of shots made was 20. The student with the highest score watched a video and realized she actually had 24 points. Indicate whether changing the student’s score made each of these summary statistics increase, decrease or stay about the same a)Mean b)Median c)Range d)IQR e)Standard Deviation

5 Frequency Histogram A bar graph that represents the frequency distribution. The horizontal scale is quantitative and measures the data values. The vertical scale measures the frequencies of the classes. Consecutive bars must touch. data values frequency

6 Solution: Frequency Histogram (using class boundaries) You can see that more than half of the GPS navigators are priced below $226.50.

7 CW 1

8 Relative Frequency Histogram Has the same shape and the same horizontal scale as the corresponding frequency histogram. The vertical scale measures the relative frequencies, not frequencies (Percents). data values relative frequency

9 Solution: Relative Frequency Histogram 6.5 18.5 30.5 42.5 54.5 66.5 78.5 90.5 From this graph you can see that 27% of GPS navigators are priced between $114.50 and $170.50.

10 Shapes - Unimodal

11 Multimodal 3 or more Peaks Bimodal 2 Peaks

12 Uniform Distribution All entries or classes in the distribution have approximately equal frequencies.

13 Symmetric Distribution A vertical line can be drawn through the middle of a graph of the distribution and the resulting halves are approximately mirror images.

14 Tails – Skewed to Thinner End Skewed Left Mean is to the LEFT of the Median Skewed Right Mean is to the RIGHT of the Median

15 GAPS Multiple Modes Different Sources?

16 Outliers – Informative or Error?

17 Practice: Describe the Following Shapes We will do this as a group Nothing is required on paper








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