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Hymn 164 How dearly God must love us. 1 How dearly God must love us to bless this world of ours, to spread blue skies above us, and deck the earth with.

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Presentation on theme: "Hymn 164 How dearly God must love us. 1 How dearly God must love us to bless this world of ours, to spread blue skies above us, and deck the earth with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hymn 164 How dearly God must love us

2 1 How dearly God must love us to bless this world of ours, to spread blue skies above us, and deck the earth with flowers. There's not a plant so lowly, nor bird that wings through air, but tells, in accents holy, his kindness and his care.

3 2 He made the sun to warm us, and light the path we tread; and, so that naught can harm us, at night he guards our bed. He gives us needful clothing, and sends our daily food: his love denies us nothing that in his eyes is good.

4 3 The Bible, too, he sends us, to tell us how he came to bless and save and cleanse us from guilt and wrong and shame. O may his grace persuade us to serve him with our powers, for all that he has made us in this fair world of ours. Samuel William Partridge 1810-1903

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