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Welcome! Please sit at grade-level tables: ECE–Grade 5 Grades 6–8 Grades 9 – 12 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Please sit at grade-level tables: ECE–Grade 5 Grades 6–8 Grades 9 – 12 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Please sit at grade-level tables: ECE–Grade 5 Grades 6–8 Grades 9 – 12 1

2 2 How People Learn Mathematics/Science Leadership Academy Monday, June 15, 2009 Mathematics/Science Leadership Academy Monday, June 15, 2009

3 3 Your Current Thinking  Recall a powerful learning experience which you personally have had.  Think of elements that made it powerful and meaningful.  Turn to a partner at your table and share the elements that made it meaningful.

4 4 Focus for Session  How do the three findings from How People Learn apply to learning in mathematics/science?  How are these findings incorporated in DPS mathematics/science core programs?  How can we connect findings to learning environments in the design of instruction?

5 5 Become an Expert on One Finding  Number 1 to 3 at your table group.  Read about the Finding that corresponds to your number using the Guiding Questions to focus your reading.  Record new ideas in the Guiding Questions column on the template.

6 6 How People Learn How People Learn National Research Council (1999) 1) New knowledge is built on a foundation of existing knowledge and experience. 2) Students must have factual knowledge, understand facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework, and organize knowledge for retrieval and application. 3) Students take control of their own learning by defining their learning goals and monitoring progress.

7 7 Share Your Wisdom  Share your learnings about your assigned finding (allow about 3 minutes per person).  Discuss and record implications your findings has for teaching mathematics and/or science.

8 8 Connect Findings and DPS Core Programs  Add title to third column, “Connections to DPS Core Programs.”  Study the provided lesson with your table group.  Note evidence of the findings in the lesson design and record them on template.

9 Lenses of Learning Environments 9

10 Learning Environments and the Design of Instruction 10  Number 1 to 4.  Read the lens corresponding to your number. 1. Learner-Centered (14) 2. Knowledge-Centered (14–16) 3. Assessment-Centered (16–17) 4. Community-Centered (17, 20)  Record new ideas in the Notes column on the template.

11 Share Your Learnings  Share your learnings about your assigned lens (about 2 minutes per person).  Discuss and record implications your lens has for teaching mathematics and/or science. 11

12 Connecting Findings and Lenses  Create a new group (1s with fellow 1s, 2s with other 2s, 3s with other 3s).  Share key ideas from the findings and the Lenses.  How does the selected lesson support the findings from How People Learn?  What opportunities for using the four design characteristics are present in the lesson? 12

13 Reflection Reflect upon this session: How did the overall structure of this session model the principles of How People Learn? 13

14 Next Steps  Lunch: 12:00–12:30 p.m.  Afternoon Sessions (see participant list): New Math: Rooms 2303–2305 Returning Math: Room 2307 Elementary Science: Room 2207 Secondary Science: Room 2205 14

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