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Lieutenant-colonel Vitali MUTAF Deputy head of Civil Protection Directorate “Flood communication in the Republic of Moldova” 27 May 2013, Livov.

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Presentation on theme: "Lieutenant-colonel Vitali MUTAF Deputy head of Civil Protection Directorate “Flood communication in the Republic of Moldova” 27 May 2013, Livov."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lieutenant-colonel Vitali MUTAF Deputy head of Civil Protection Directorate “Flood communication in the Republic of Moldova” 27 May 2013, Livov

2 For the first time - Catastrophic flood – summer 2008

3 Flood response figures None victims 104 people rescued 45 t of food products & 28 t of urgent need goods – immediately transported to 38 the most affected villages over 1200 drinking water wells, over 200 basements cleaned up over 13 km of temporary dikes built

4 Consequences flood – summer 2008 :

5 Rivers characteristics Novodnestovsk dam Costesti-Stinca dam Dubasary dam

6 Flood development

7 Flood development – Nistru river

8 Flood response National Commission on ES National Response Plan Close cooperation between central and local authorities Permanent data collection Preventive and risk reduction measures Resources mobilization

9 National Disaster Management Center Civil Protection & Emergency Situations Service Carabiniery Troops Ministry of Healthcare Ministry of Defense NDMC National Hidrometeorological Service State Agency “Waters of Moldova” National Red Cross Society Media Government

10 СГЗ и ЧС МВД Республики Молдова ГУ МЧС Ивано-Франковской и Черновицкой обл. МЧС Украины ГУ МЧС Львовской области ГУ МЧС Винницкой и Одесской областей Организация обмена информацией

11  The classification of emergency situations and order the accumulation and presentation of information in population and territory protection in case of exceptional circumstance, Government Decision no. 1076 of 16.11.2010

12 International Assistance THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA NATO/EADRCCEU/MIC NATO & EU MEMBERS Request Assistance

13 International Assistance : Romania; Russian Federation; Czech Republic; Latvia; Lithuania; Estonia; Austria; Switzerland; Kazakhstan; Georgia, etc.

14 List of equipment : Pumps; Boats; Tents; Engines for boats; Generators; Mobile electric stations; Hydrodynamic and hydraulic instrument; Water purification installations; Food and potable water; Etc.

15 International Assistance EU/MIC Assessment Team Equipment immediately put to operation

16 Thank you for your attention!

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