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LIBRARIANSHIP – the changing profession Diana Edmonds Head of Libraries GLL 28 th May 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "LIBRARIANSHIP – the changing profession Diana Edmonds Head of Libraries GLL 28 th May 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIBRARIANSHIP – the changing profession Diana Edmonds Head of Libraries GLL 28 th May 2011

2 OF COURSE IT’S CHANGING… Our customers are changing Their interests are changing Their needs are changing Their expectations are changing And the world is changing …

3 A CHANGING PROFESSION IN CHANGING TIMES … Technology Economic Environment Library Location and Design

4 TECHNOLOGY FOR MANAGING THE LIBRARY Standardized bibliographic data minimizing in-house catalogue departments Customer-friendly and attractive (yes, we all look like Amazon now!) Accessible via the web and a phone app Linking into corporate systems

5 TECHNOLOGY FOR SELF ISSUE RFID systems Self issue and automated return Improved stock security Intelligent shelves Stock management by wand And soon links with the phone …

6 TECHNOLOGY TO ENABLE ACCESS TO INFORMATION Democratization of access to “content” Computer generated and searchable publications – the rise of Dialog The amazing Internet Providing access for all but generating issues about the validity of information

7 TECHNOLOGY FOR THE CUSTOMER IN THE LIBRARY Libraries now need to provide a technology offer PCs in public libraries to address the digital divide – the People’s Network Wireless access – and sockets for laptop and phone use Accessible via the web and a phone app Linking into corporate systems

8 ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Enormous pressure on funding for libraries 20% of English Public Libraries under threat of closure Universities and Colleges also under pressure And the 3 rd sector …

9 ECONOMIC PRESSURE PLUS TECHNOLOGY Equals A reason to close libraries

10 THE REASONS SOUND LIKE “Everyone has the Internet now …” “Books are cheap – and you can get them from charity shops” “Libraries aren’t a priority”

11 IN ENGLISH PUBLIC LIBRARIES The management of the service may be transferred from the local authority To a private sector organization Or to a social enterprise So librarians may be employed by a trust, a co-operative or a private company

12 IN ENGLISH PUBLIC LIBRARIES 20% of public libraries in England under threat More than 20% of staff are threatened, as professional qualifications are questioned by local authorities keen to save money And RFID genuinely reduces the need for staff

13 BUT THERE ARE NEW LIBRARIES … And they are different After years of miserable design They are amazing …

14 AND THEY OFFER MORE … Places for learning, for culture, for people to meet … Co-located with other facilities, with leisure centres, with health services …

15 EASY TIMES FOR LIBRARIANS? … No …. But it’s still a great job! And it gives great potential to move from sector to sector within the profession

16 A CHANGING CAREER IN … College Library Tate Gallery Library Academic Library (working for the University and London) Bibliometric Research Librarian in University Department of Chemistry

17 A CHANGING CAREER IN … Small Information Business providing market research information Public Library, working in the Business Library in an oil industry environment

18 A CHANGING CAREER IN … Consultant Entrepreneur – developing an information business Running a public library And now working for a social enterprise outsourcing public library services

19 LIBRARIANSHIP IS A CHANGING PROFESSION … And maybe also a threatened profession… But we need to have confidence in ourselves as librarians And take every opportunity that comes along!


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