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1 st Danube Financing Dialogue – An overview 2 nd Steering Group Meeting 28 th and 29 th March 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "1 st Danube Financing Dialogue – An overview 2 nd Steering Group Meeting 28 th and 29 th March 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 st Danube Financing Dialogue – An overview 2 nd Steering Group Meeting 28 th and 29 th March 2012

2 PA 10, Action “To examine the feasibility of a Danube Investment Framework” 1 st Danube Financing Dialogue (22 nd and 23 rd March) at the Austrian Central Bank (OeNB) in Vienna OBJECTIVE: matchmaking platform SMEs and Financial Institutions PARTICIPANTS included representatives: - of SME-projects - Financial institutions - EUSDR representatives 1 st Danube Financing Dialogue

3 1 st Danube Financing Dialogue – 1 st day Registration and welcome

4 1 st Danube Financing Dialogue– 1 st day Session 1: Key note speeches on the role of SMEs and Financial Institutions

5 1 st Danube Financing Dialogue Session 2: Panel discussion challenges and opportunities of financing SME projects Networking dinner

6 1 st Danube Financing Dialogue Session 3: Matchmaking

7 Session 4 | Closing Remarks 1 st Danube Financing Dialogue

8 Documentation financing-dialogue Organization Metis GmbH Marlene Hahn +43 699 10 89 31 40 1 st Danube Financing Dialogue

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