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1 RadioPro ™ Webinar Series Professional Radio over IP for 2-way Radio Systems Overview for Account Managers and Engineers.

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Presentation on theme: "1 RadioPro ™ Webinar Series Professional Radio over IP for 2-way Radio Systems Overview for Account Managers and Engineers."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 RadioPro ™ Webinar Series Professional Radio over IP for 2-way Radio Systems Overview for Account Managers and Engineers

2 RadioPro Weminar Series 2 Account MgrsEngineers Overview Features and Benefits Sales Tools Replacing Tone Remotes IP Gateway Installation Dispatch Console Software Installation Solo, Talk, Talk for Mobile Installation

3 3 Overview Topics Who are we? RadioPro Applications at-a-Glance System Diagrams Pricing Examples End-users Resources & Partner Benefits What’s Next?

4 Who are we? 4

5 Employee-owned, Cincinnati, OH Began in 1995 ◦Software and hardware for radio system infrastructure Dispatch software since 2007 Mobile apps since 2010 5

6 What is RadioPro? 6 RadioPro at-a- Glance

7 77 7 What is RadioPro? ◦Radio-over-IP for PC and mobile phone users ◦Voice Dispatch ◦GPS Mapping with AVL ◦Voice Logging and Playback ◦Text Messaging ◦Remote Access to All Radio Functions ◦General Purpose I/O ◦Radio Platforms ◦Motorola MOTOTRBO ◦Kenwood NEXEDGE RadioPro at-a-Glance

8 8 RadioPro DISPATCH Console for Windows™ PCs RadioPro TALK for PCs & Notebooks RadioPro at-a- Glance Dispatch Talk Solo Talk for Mobile Devices RadioPro Talk for Mobile Devices for iOS & Android RadioPro Solo for PCs & Notebooks

9 RadioPro Dispatch ◦Voice Dispatch – 50 Talk Groups ◦Patching, Cross-muting, Selected Audio ◦GPS Mapping with AVL ◦Text Messaging ◦Remote Access to All Radio Functions ◦Archive Viewer ◦For Voice and Event Logging and Playback ◦General Purpose I/O 9

10 RadioPro Dispatch ◦Voice Module ◦50 Talk Groups ◦Patching ◦Recent History/Replay ◦Select/Un-select Audio ◦Radio Groupings ◦Missed-calls Tracker ◦Custom Action Buttons ◦Emergencies ◦Intercom ◦Inputs and Outputs ◦All Call ◦Text Messages ◦Tone before Call ◦more 10

11 RadioPro Dispatch ◦Text Messaging Module ◦Mimics smart-phone text messaging ◦Conversations grouped by radio user ◦Send immediate or scheduled ◦Receipt confirmation 11

12 12 RadioPro Dispatch ◦GPS Module ◦Multiple map tabs (windows) ◦Multiple map sources ◦Google, Yahoo, Bing, OpenStreet ◦Choice of map type ◦standard, satellite, hybrid ◦Map Presets ◦Visibility button ◦choose the radio users to view individually or by group ◦Center button ◦shows all “visible” on current map ◦Follow button ◦map resizes/relocates to view all “visible” radio users ◦Markers ◦ad hoc indicators

13 13 RadioPro Dispatch ◦GPS Module: Named-areas, Geo-fences and Alerts ◦For Areas or Routes ◦Conditions ◦Speed ◦Duration ◦Entry/Exit ◦Alerts ◦On-screen ◦Email ◦Text Message

14 14 RadioPro Dispatch ◦GPS Module: Snap-to-Road travel routes ◦Enhanced bread crumbs ◦Real routes; not just “connect-the-dots”

15 15 RadioPro Dispatch ◦GPS Module: What’s this address? ◦Right-click map to find address ◦Subscriber proximity list

16 16 RadioPro Dispatch ◦Management Reports

17 RadioPro Dispatch ◦Archive Viewer ◦User-friendly searches ◦Time period ◦User radio ID or Alias ◦Event type: voice, GPS, text, alert ◦Voice play-back ◦GPS history map ◦Export 17

18 RadioPro Solo ◦Works just like a radio ◦Talk and listen for Windows™ PCs ◦Text Messaging ◦Voice record and playback for previous 24 hours ◦“Problem Solver” ◦Low-cost & easy alternative to tone-remotes ◦Supervisory remote monitoring ◦Extends coverage to poor reception areas ◦Underground facilities and dead zones ◦Locations outside RF coverage 18

19 RadioPro Talk ◦Simplicity for a single connection ◦Talk and listen for Windows™ PCs ◦Text Messaging ◦Voice record and playback for previous 24 hours ◦“Problem Solver” ◦Low-cost & easy alternative to tone-remotes ◦Supervisory remote monitoring ◦Extends coverage to poor reception areas ◦Underground facilities and dead zones ◦Locations outside RF coverage 19

20 RadioPro Talk for Mobile ◦iOS and Android ◦Talk and listen ◦Contact List indicates Radio/Group ID or Alias Name ◦Low battery consumption: Long run-time ◦Fast system switching (multiple control stations) ◦Text Messaging (new) ◦Zone/Channel/Talk Group selection (new) ◦Last call playback for each contact (new) ◦Max. 80 users per IP Gateway 20

21 RadioPro Talk for Mobile ◦Free download ◦Apple App Store or Google Play Store ◦Preconfigured for CTI’s Demo Radio System ◦System prices start at $3000 ◦Easy Start-up ◦How-to Guide 21

22 Application Comparison DispatchSoloTalkTalk-Mobile Voice (PTT & Listen)Opt. Talk Groups50 max111 Voice Logging and Playback 24 hrs Last Call Channel Steering GPS/AVLOpt. Text MessagingOpt. Telemetry (General Purpose I/O)Opt. 22

23 23 Heart of System ◦Interface between Radio and IP Network ◦Allows for most flexibility in system design ◦No other servers At-a-Glance: IP Gateway

24 Simple System 24 RadioPro IP Gateway Motorola MOTOTRBO XPR5500/5580 Kenwood NEXEDGE NX-700/800 RadioPro Client (Dispatch, Solo, Talk, Talk Mobile) LAN

25 System Easy Expansion 25 RadioPro IP Gateway RadioPro Clients LAN

26 Simple Expansion Across Internet 26 RadioPro IP Gateway RadioPro Clients LAN Router/Firewall WAN RadioPro Client

27 Hybrid Mix of Apps 27 RadioPro IP Gateway RadioPro Dispatch LAN RadioPro Solo WAN Router/Firewall RadioPro Talk Cell/Wi-Fi RadioPro Talk

28 80 Clients per IP Gateway 28 LAN WAN Cell/Wi-Fi 80 Clients max. per IP Gateway

29 Multiple Talk Groups 29 LAN WAN Cell/Wi-Fi 80 Clients max. per IP Gateway 50 max.

30 Simple System with Solo/Talk/Talk Mobile System with Dispatch Voice Module System with Dispatch Voice and GPS Modules 30 Pricing Examples

31 31 Pricing: Simple System with Solo/Talk/Mobile ◦Radio, P.S., Antenna ◦Interface Cable ◦IP Gateway ◦5-pack Client License ◦Total 31 RadioPro IP Gateway RadioPro Solo, Talk, or Mobile LAN $1,500 $ 64 $1,200 $2,000 $4,764 - - - - - - - - - - -5 Users - - - - - - - - - - - or

32 32 Pricing: System with Dispatch Voice ◦Radio, P.S., Antenna x 4 ◦Interface Cable x 4 ◦IP Gateway x 4 ◦Dispatch Software Core ◦Dispatch Voice Module ◦Total 32 $1500 x 4 = $6,000 $64 x 4 = $256 $1,200 x 4 = $4,800 $1,200 $1,600 $13,856 LAN RadioPro Dispatch

33 33 Pricing: System with Dispatch Voice & GPS ◦Radio, P.S., Antenna x 4 ◦Interface Cable x 4 ◦IP Gateway x 4 ◦Dispatch Software Core ◦Dispatch Voice Module ◦Dispatch GPS Module (100) ◦Total 33 $1500 x 4 = $6,000 $64 x 4 = $256 $1,200 x 4 = $4,800 $1,200 $1,600 $2,800 $16,656 LAN RadioPro Dispatch

34 End Users Vertical Markets 34

35 35 Public Safety & Security Seahawks

36 36 Manufacturing

37 37 Hospitality & Entertainment

38 38 Transportation

39 39 Utilities

40 40 Mining & Petrochemical

41 41 Education

42 42 Healthcare

43 43 Ashburn Denver Miami Services

44 Resources & Partner Benefits Sales Support Technical Support Web Resources 44

45 45 Sales Support ◦Pre-sale Support ◦PowerPoints, brochures, data sheets, market focus publications ◦Phone, email ◦Demo downloads ◦Webinars ◦Easy access: ◦ ◦513-595-5900 45

46 46 Technical Support ◦Best-in-industry Post-sale Support ◦Made in USA ◦Business beginnings in 1940s ◦Count on long-term support ◦Proven radio-over-IP solutions since 2007 ◦Always free email and phone support ◦Never a software maintenance contract ◦Easy product upgrades ◦Radio experts - Motorola service shop ◦Easy access: ◦ ◦513-595-5900 46

47 47 Web Resources ◦Main Site: ◦Demo downloads are preconfigured to test with our Cincinnati radio system ◦Data Sheets ◦Installation and User Guides ◦Software upgrades ◦Dealer Site: ◦System Planner ◦Price List ◦Quote Tool: web-based 47

48 What’s Next Check Us Out RadioPro Seminar Series IWCE in March 48

49 49 Check Us Out ◦Main Site: ◦Demo downloads are preconfigured to test with our Cincinnati radio system ◦Data Sheets ◦Installation and User Guides ◦Software upgrades ◦Dealer Site: ◦System Planner ◦Price List ◦Quote Tool: web-based

50 RadioPro Seminar Series 50 Account MgrsEngineers Overview Features and Benefits Sales Tools Replacing Tone Remotes IP Gateway Installation Dispatch Console Software Installation Talk for Mobile Installation

51 51 IWCE 2016 – Las Vegas ◦Motorola Channel Partner Expo ◦Aria Conference Center ◦Booth # 507 ◦Kenwood Dealer Open House ◦Monte Carlo Conference Center ◦IWCE ◦Las Vegas Convention Center ◦Booth # 1972

52 52 More Info ◦Sales Contacts ◦Tom Miller 513-595-5972, ◦Crystal Adcock 513-595-5914, ◦Or, ◦Customer Service ◦513-595-5900, ◦Technical Support ◦513-595-5900,

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