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 What is noise?  What is noise pollution?  Noise measurement.  Causes of noise pollution.  Effects of noise pollution.  Difference between noise.

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Presentation on theme: " What is noise?  What is noise pollution?  Noise measurement.  Causes of noise pollution.  Effects of noise pollution.  Difference between noise."— Presentation transcript:


2  What is noise?  What is noise pollution?  Noise measurement.  Causes of noise pollution.  Effects of noise pollution.  Difference between noise and sound.  Control of noise pollution.  Reducing noise at home.

3 Noise What is noise? In simple terms, noise is unwanted sound. Sound is a form of energy which is emitted by a vibrating body and on reaching the ear causes the sensation of hearing through nerves.

4 Noise pollution also known as environmental pollution is sound produced by humans and machines that disrupt natural environment and society in general.

5 How noise reaches us? A noise problem generally consists of three inter-related elements- the source, the receiver and the transmission path.

6 The differentiation between sound and noise depends upon the habit and interest of the person/species the ambient conditions impact of the sound

7 Noise measurement The intensity of sound is measured in sound pressure levels (SPL) and common unit of measurement is decibel, dB.

8 Examples of noise levels.  Soft whisper =30 dB  Normal conversation =50-60 dB  Alarm clock, factories =80 dB  Stereo headphones =100 dB  Gunshot or jet plane =140 dB  Rocket launching =180 dB

9 Causes of noise pollution Traffic noise Air craft noise Noise from construction works Noise from the industries Horns, explosion etc.

10 Effects of noise pollution Hearing loss High blood pressure Stress Sleeplessness Color blindness Disturbance Annoyance

11 Control of Noise Pollution The techniques employed for noise control can be broadly classified as Control at source Control in the transmission path Using protective equipment.

12 Site noisy household equipment (e.g. washing machines) away from partition walls. Keep the volume of TV, radio and music as low as possible, especially late at night. If using fireworks for a celebration, don't let fireworks off after 11.00 pm Use the vehicles horn only in an emergency.

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