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Physical and Chemical Changes A Write On Activity.

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2 Physical and Chemical Changes A Write On Activity

3 Objective: Chemical/Physical Change: Differentiate  The learner will be able to distinguish between a physical and chemical change.

4 Matter  Matter is everywhere.  Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass.  Matter is constantly experiencing both chemical and physical changes.

5 Physical Change  Physical changes occur when matter changes its property but not its chemical nature.  Physical property changes could include a change in: texture, shape, size, color, odor, volume, mass, weight, and density.

6 Physical Change

7 Chemical Change  Chemical changes are changes matter undergoes when it becomes new or different matter.  To identify a chemical change look for 3 signs (Power of 3).

8 Signs of a Chemical Change  color change  bubbling and fizzing (gas)  light production  smoke, and presence of heat  rusting  change in mass  odor  decomposing  digestion

9 Chemical Change  A chemical change occurs when fireworks are used. Fireworks are made of metals such as magnesium and copper. These change chemically as they light up the sky.

10 Chemical Changes A chemical change is a process where one substance changes into another. Chemical changes can give off heat, light or electricity. A chemical change can take in heat (endothermic) or give off heat (exothermic) Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. This is known as the law of conservation of matter. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. This is known as the law of conservation of energy.

11 Matter can be PURE or MIXED:

12 Mixtures can be separated… Distillation – based on boiling pointFiltration – based on size Elements and Compounds CANNOT

13 Is it a chemical or physical change?  Sugar dissolving in tea Chemical Change Physical Change

14 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

15 Correct!

16 Is it a chemical or physical change?  Logs burning Chemical Change Physical Change

17 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

18 Correct!

19 Is it a chemical or physical change?  Breaking water up by separating it into hydrogen and oxygen Physical Change Chemical Change

20 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

21 Correct!

22 Is it a chemical or physical change?  Cutting paper Chemical Change Physical Change

23 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

24 Correct!

25 Is it a chemical or physical change?  Crushing an aspirin Chemical Change Physical Change

26 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

27 Correct!

28 Is it a chemical or physical change?  Metal rusting Chemical Change Physical Change

29 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

30 Correct!

31 Is it a chemical or physical change?  Lighter fluid burining Chemical Change Physical Change

32 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

33 Correct!

34 Is it a chemical or physical change?  An egg rotting Chemical Change Physical Change

35 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

36 Correct!

37 Is it a chemical or physical change?  An egg breaking Chemical Change Physical Change

38 OOPS! Did it change size, color, shape (Physical Change)? or Did it become different matter (Chemical Change)?

39 Correct!

40 Writing Activity  Write a paragraph about the difference between a chemical and physical change. Give examples of each.

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