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Typhoid Fever Ryan Schmedding.

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Presentation on theme: "Typhoid Fever Ryan Schmedding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Typhoid Fever Ryan Schmedding

2 There are over 16 million cases of Typhoid Fever each year

3 But only 400 cases occur in the US annually

4 Over 90% of cases are in India and South East Asia

5 Typhoid is spread through fecal oral contact

6 Nations with poor sewage facilities are at high risk

7 Unsanitary food preparation is one of the most common methods of transmission

8 Typhoid is caused by a bacterium in the Salmonella genus
Typhoid is caused by a bacterium in the Salmonella genus

9 Typhoid affects the liver, spleen, and digestive tract

10 Typhoid infections can progress through 4 stages of increasing severity

11 Typhoid is commonly diagnosed by an antibody test

12 Antibiotics are the most common treatment

13 There is a live attenuated oral vaccine and an inactivated recombinant one

14 There are better ways to stop Typhoid

15 Education about transmission is critical

16 Better sanitation facilities are the best way to stop Typhoid

17 Works Cited Infectious%20diseases/6/07.%20Differential%20diagnosis%20of%20exantemas%20in%20the%20clini c%20of%20infectious%20diseases%20(typhoid%20fever,.htm uncategorised/1786-signs .html 0Term%20paper.html

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