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Fire Fighter Safety. Dangers Associated With Fire Fighting Firefighting by its very nature, is dangerous. Each firefighter must learn safe methods of.

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Presentation on theme: "Fire Fighter Safety. Dangers Associated With Fire Fighting Firefighting by its very nature, is dangerous. Each firefighter must learn safe methods of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fire Fighter Safety

2 Dangers Associated With Fire Fighting Firefighting by its very nature, is dangerous. Each firefighter must learn safe methods of confronting the risks presented during training exercises, on the fireground, and at other emergency scenes.

3 Training Exercises sloppy practices or shortcuts eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly hydration is important; don’t wait until feeling thirsty to rehydrate prohibit smoking because it reduces the efficiency of the body’s respiratory system


5 Fireground Do not promote reckless and unsafe behavior Practice the constant communication of the buddy system If entering a hazardous area with a team, you must exit with a team Maintain visual, vocal or physical contact with each other at all times


7 Emergency Scene Failure to size up Failure to recognize conditions Failure to communicate Failure to pay attention


9 Biggest Pitfalls Freelancing Improper use of PPE Water Hydration Diet and cardio training  Major contributor to Fire Fighter deaths is Heart Attacks on and off the Fireground!

10 Dangers of Being Exposed To Pathogens Potentially infected with viruses that can lead to AIDS, HBV or HBC Respiratory infections Cancer O2 deficiency


12 Protecting From Risks Associated To Pathogen Exposure SCBA Turnout Gear Immunizations up-to-date Always wear gloves when handling victims Wash hands and other skin surfaces Used needles should be in a puncture resistant container

13 Elements of Personnel Accountability Systems Tracks every fire fighter at every incident scene System maintains an updated list of the fire fighters assigned to each vehicle; tracks each crew’s assignment at a fire scene Many departments use PATs or an accountability tag that generally includes name, ID number and photograph System can quickly identify if someone may be missing and their last assignment

14 Safety Precautions Using Fire Apparatus Don PPE before mounting apparatus All equipment should be mounted and stowed away before riding Follow appropriate mount and dismount procedures Always wear seat beat, NFPA 1500 Mechanics repair, service, and keep fire and Ems vehicles ready for emergencies

15 Hazards Experienced With Public Utilities Faulty electric or gas may be cause of fire Short circuits and electrical arching Potential explosions Disconnect necessary to open walls and ceilings to search for fire to prevent electrocution. Water Damage Eliminate possible ignition sources

16 Scenarios to Determine Safety Issues Fire fighters should never charge blindly into action.






22 Describing Personal Protective Equipment

23 Fire Fighters Clothing Helmet Bunker coat Bunker pants Boots Gloves Hood Personal alert safety system device (PASS)

24 Dangers of Protective Equipment Penetration- flow or movement of dangerous materials through closures such as seams, pinholes or zippers Permeation- different from penetration; occurs through the material itself rather than through openings in the material Degradation- destruction or decomposition of clothing due to chemical exposure, general use or ambient conditions

25 Care and Cleaning of Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) Avoid unnecessary wear on turnout clothing Check conditions of PPE on a regular basis Must be kept clean to maintain its protective properties Hoods, gloves and boots get dirty quickly and should be cleaned according to the manufacturer’s instructions

26 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus(SCBA) Respirator with independent air supply used by fire fighters to enter toxic and otherwise dangerous atmospheres Consists of four main parts a. backpack and harness b. air cylinder assembly c. regulator assembly d. face piece assembly

27 Abbreviations PPE – personal protective equipment SOP – standard operating procedures EMS – emergency medical services SCBA – self contained breathing apparatus EMT – emergency medical technician

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