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CAREER PLANNING TUESDAY 21 ST MAY Learning objective: To be able to describe a job that you would be interested in doing when you leave school.

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Presentation on theme: "CAREER PLANNING TUESDAY 21 ST MAY Learning objective: To be able to describe a job that you would be interested in doing when you leave school."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAREER PLANNING TUESDAY 21 ST MAY Learning objective: To be able to describe a job that you would be interested in doing when you leave school.

2 Success Criteria I can describe some of the jobs that I would do on a day-to-day basis in my chosen career. I can use basic research skills to find out what I am looking for. I can do the above and identify some of the skills that I would need to do my chosen career. I can describe the job I would like to pursue in detail and highlight the skills and qualifications that I would need to do my chosen career. I can use developed research and note taking skills to help me find the information that I need.

3 Starter On your post it note, make a note of 5 jobs that you think you would like to do when you are older.

4 Job Profile To achieve P6, you need to create a job profile. This means that you will need to research a job that you are interested in doing when you leave Lord Grey School.

5 Lets look at some examples Profile 1- Midwifery Profile 2- Mechanic

6 Task Log on to the National Careers Service website spx spx Search a career that you are interested in pursuing and read through the information that appears. You then need to start taking notes on the information you’ve found. You have been given a worksheet to be able to do this.

7 Plenary I need a volunteer please...

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