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Connecting Users, Data & Data Repositories Simon J. Goring ORCID: 0000-0002-2700-4605 John W. Williams doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.2301364 Distinguished Lecture.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting Users, Data & Data Repositories Simon J. Goring ORCID: 0000-0002-2700-4605 John W. Williams doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.2301364 Distinguished Lecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting Users, Data & Data Repositories Simon J. Goring ORCID: 0000-0002-2700-4605 John W. Williams doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.2301364 Distinguished Lecture Program

2 Site, lat, long, id 011, 49, 123, 12 121, 49, 124, 12 312, 49, 125, 12 435, 49, 126, 12 642, 48, 127, 12 142, 48, 128, 12 099, 48, 129, 12 191, 48, 130, 12 Journal of Excellent Science Our recent study has discovered many startling discoveries that would fill volume upon volume within a traditional journal format, but this journal, with its wondrous wonder has allowed us to fully explore the fantastical and discoverable discoveries that we discover here with you.

3 Site, lat, long, id 011, 49, 123, 12 121, 49, 124, 12 312, 49, 125, 12 435, 49, 126, 12 642, 48, 127, 12 142, 48, 128, 12 099, 48, 129, 12 191, 48, 130, 12 Journal of Excellent Science Our recent study has discovered many startling discoveries that would fill volume upon volume within a traditional journal format, but this journal, with its wondrous wonder has allowed us to fully explore the fantastical and discoverable discoveries that we discover here with you. ?

4 Finding Solutions to Barriers Why are there barriers? How do we integrate publication & data archiving? How do we improve reward structures?

5 Getting Data from the Long Tail ResearcherDatabase

6 Getting Data from the Long Tail ResearcherDatabase The Long Tail of Data Science Big Data

7 Getting Data from the Long Tail Researcher Database The Long Tail of Data Science Big Data

8 Getting Data from the Long Tail ResearcherDatabase Journal

9 Getting Data from the Long Tail ResearcherDatabase Journal

10 Getting Data from the Long Tail ResearcherDatabase Journal Challenges Data Quality, Time/Effort, User Skill, User Knowledge

11 Getting Data from the Long Tail ResearcherDatabase Journal Solution Bring nodes closer together

12 Getting Data from the Long Tail ResearcherDatabase Journal Solution Bring nodes closer together The Neotoma Ecosystem

13 Getting Data from the Long Tail ResearcherDatabase Journal Solution Building workflow tools for domain scientists Tilia GitHub: ropensci/neotoma

14 Getting Data from the Long Tail ResearcherDatabase Journal Solution Data submission as an integrated part of the research process GitHub: ropensci/neotoma Tilia Tilia 2 0 37 5126 5126 Metadata as a critical part of analysis - Integrated workflows as part of the research process. mgcv raster ggplot rmarkdown pander

15 EarthCube Integrative Activities Ecosystems of Analytic Tools

16 EarthCube Integrative Activities Ecosystems of Analytic Tools

17 EarthCube Integrative Activities Ecosystems of Analytic Tools

18 Getting Data to the Long Tail ResearcherDatabase Journal Challenge Too much data; too many platforms; too many (new) formats 75M+ DOIs & Associated Metadata

19 Getting Data to the Long Tail “... Careful data collection and measurement are important. Data analysis is the glamour [child] of statistics, but you can’t do much if your data are no good.” Andrew Gelman

20 Getting Data to the Long Tail Solution Domain repositories as brokers ResearcherDatabase Journal

21 Getting Data to the Long Tail Margaret Davis Past President – ESA Member - National Academy of Sciences Solution Domain repositories as brokers

22 Getting Data to the Long Tail Novel tools built on cyberinfrastructure backbone EarthCube Integrative ActivitiesGeoinformatics

23 FlyOver Country EarthCube Integrative Activities Geoinformatics

24 Getting Data to the Long Tail FlyOver Country EarthCube Integrative ActivitiesGeoinformatics

25 Facilitating Science through Data ResearcherDatabase The Long Tail of Data Science Big Data

26 Facilitating Science through Data ResearcherDatabase The Long Tail of Data Science Big Data

27 Site, lat, long, id 011, 49, 123, 12 121, 49, 124, 12 312, 49, 125, 12 435, 49, 126, 12 642, 48, 127, 12 142, 48, 128, 12 099, 48, 129, 12 191, 48, 130, 12 Journal of Excellent Science Our recent study has discovered many startling discoveries that would fill volume upon volume within a traditional journal format, but this journal, with its wondrous wonder has allowed us to fully explore the fantastical and discoverable discoveries that we discover here with you. The promise of open science and Big Data.

28 EarthCube Sustaining the Geosciences for 21 st Century Challenges Credits: from top to bottom: NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program (CC BY-SA 2.0), NASA/Kathryn Hansen (CC BY 2.0), and Canyonlands National Park/Neal Herbert (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).

29 M. Chan Advance science Meet grand challenges Leverage shared cyberinfrastructure technology GOAL

30 M. Chan Advance science Meet grand challenges Leverage shared cyberinfrastructure technology GOAL “Data use challenges are half technical and half social.” –Someone at almost every professional science meeting

31 M. Chan Advance science Meet grand challenges Leverage shared cyberinfrastructure technology GOAL Balancing infrastructure development & scientific advancement to create sustainable, multidisciplinary solutions

32 M. Chan Balancing infrastructure development & scientific advancement to create sustainable, multidisciplinary solutions Cyber Infrastructure Science RCNs Building Blocks Interactive Activities End User Workshops EC Committees

33 "Social Network Analysis Visualization" by Martin Grandjean Field Geoscientists Community-Led Databases Institutional Repositories Data Centers Governmental Organizations But the Landscape is Fragmented Industry Partners

34 "Social Network Analysis Visualization" by Martin Grandjean Field Geoscientists Community-Led Databases Institutional Repositories Data Centers Governmental Organizations Industry Partners Facilitating Data Sharing & Reuse Interdisciplinary Communication Data-Model Integration Software & Data Management

35 iSamples Internet of Samples in Earth Sciences iSamples RCN is to dramatically improve discovery, access, sharing, analysis, and curation of physical samples and data generated by their study. - Cyber4Paleo Collaboration & Cyberinfrastructure for Paleogeosciences C4P RCN focuses on development of standards for aggregation & dissemination of paleogeoscience data, to facilitate research on Earth- Life history. EC3 Earth-Centered Communication for Cyberinfrastructure: Challenges of Field Data Collection, Management & Integration EC3 network aims to facilitate dialogue between field-based geologists, and computer and social scientists to address problems faced by field- based geological community. Research Coordination Networks RCNs

36 Building Blocks (BB) - Earth System Bridge Spanning Scientific Communities with Interoperable Modeling Frameworks Earth System Bridge will allow interoperable modeling frameworks, enabling communities to collaborate and advance earth system science. BCube A Broker Framework for Next Generation Geosciences Building tools to improve data brokering & improving access valuable data by developing web crawlers. GeoDeepDive A Cognitive Computer Infrastructure for Geoscience Developing capabilities in machine reading to benefit scientists in all domains & creating infrastructure to lower barriers to text and data mining activities.

37 Photo: S. Paxton M. Chan Y. Gil

38 Science Committee Technology & Architecture Committee Liaison Team L EADERSHIP C OUNCIL Office Council of Data Facilities Engagement Team Talk to EarthCube Participants! Attend EarthCube Workshops! Mailing List - Twitter - @earthcube Funding - EC Travel Grants & Distinguished Lecturers

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