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Jeopardy AImmigrants B Starting Over C New Immigration DUncertainWelcome EBecomingAmerican 10 30 40 50 60 70 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ******Final Jeopardy*******Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy AImmigrants B Starting Over C New Immigration DUncertainWelcome EBecomingAmerican 10 30 40 50 60 70 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ******Final Jeopardy*******Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy AImmigrants B Starting Over C New Immigration DUncertainWelcome EBecomingAmerican 10 30 40 50 60 70 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ******Final Jeopardy*******Jeopardy

3 A-20 This group was one of the first to immigrate to America.

4 A-10 The term used to describe leaving one country for another.

5 A-30 From the 1840’s until 1860, the majority of the immigrants were from these countries.

6 A-40 This was the main push for families to leave their homeland.

7 A-50 Two types of persecution were factors that led to families coming to America.

8 A-60 These were used by employers to encourage foreigners to come to America.

9 A-70 Treating people in a different way because of prejudice.

10 B-10 The condition on board ships for most immigrants coming to America.

11 B-20 A city with a harbor where ships can load and unload.

12 B-30 The four major ports where European immigrants landed.

13 B-40 Of all of the immigrants, this group was the poorest and least skilled.

14 B-50 An apartment building often overcrowded and poorly kept, usually in a city slum.

15 B-60 Where most skilled workers would end up.

16 B-70 A disease that affects crops. In Ireland it was the potatoes.

17 C-10 The number of immigrants that came to America before the Civil War.

18 C-20 The reason immigration declined between 1850 and 1860.

19 C-30 A reason immigration drastically increased after the Civil War.

20 C-40 The additional countries immigrants came from after the Civil War.

21 C-50 The name given to immigrants whose hearts remained in their native country.

22 C-60 The difference in the dream between new and old immigrants.

23 C-70 The reason most immigrant groups choose to live near their own kind.

24 D-10 The birthday gift America received in 1884. Hint: It is about as tall as a 15 story building.

25 D-20 The symbol of America’s welcome to newcomers.

26 D-30 This poem is at the base of the Statue of Liberty.

27 D-40 The name of the new receiving station in New York Harbor.

28 D-50 The number of immigrants Ellis Island could handle in a day.

29 D-60 The reasons for some family members returning home.

30 D-70 Someone with strong feelings against immigrants; someone who wants laws banning further immigration.

31 E-10 The term used by the author of the Melting Pot to describe America.

32 E-20 This generation was not in a hurry to become American. They wanted familiarity and kept up with news in the old world.

33 E-30 This generation was born to immigrant parents. School help these individuals cross the bridge to becoming American. Many of them disagreed with their parents.

34 E-40. This generation felt comfortably American. They began to move out of the neighborhoods. Few spoke the language of the old country.

35 E-50 A pot in which ores and metals are melted.

36 E-60 The meaning of e pluribus unum.

37 E-70 The law that put an end to Chinese immigration.

38 The Category For Final Jeopardy Is: The author of The Melting Pot. You may now wager any amount of accumulated points what you are willing to risk on Final Jeopardy Please write your wager on the sheet of paper now being handed to your group You have 2 minutes to come up with the answer as a group. Write your answer on the reverse side of your wager sheet. And the Final Jeopardy answer is.....

39 Final Jeopardy: Israel Zangwill.

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