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2010 CCSDS Spring Meeting, 5 May 2010 Portsmouth, VA, USA Encrypted Authentication ISO/IEC 19972 I. Aguilar – ESA/ESTEC.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 CCSDS Spring Meeting, 5 May 2010 Portsmouth, VA, USA Encrypted Authentication ISO/IEC 19972 I. Aguilar – ESA/ESTEC."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 CCSDS Spring Meeting, 5 May 2010 Portsmouth, VA, USA Encrypted Authentication ISO/IEC 19972 I. Aguilar – ESA/ESTEC

2 2010 CCSDS Spring Meeting, 5 May 2010 Portsmouth, VA, USA Summary The ISO 19972 specifies six methods for authenticated encryption, i.e. defined ways of processing a data string with the following security objectives: –data confidentiality, i.e., protection against unauthorized disclosure of data, –data integrity, i.e., protection that enables the recipient of data to verify that it has not been modified, –data origin authentication, i.e., protection that enables the recipient of data to verify the identity of the data originator. All six methods specified are based on a block cipher algorithm, and require the originator and the recipient of the protected data to share a secret key for this block cipher. –Key management is outside the scope; key management techniques are defined in ISO/IEC 11770. Four of the mechanisms, namely mechanisms 1, 3, 4 and 6, allow data to be authenticated which is not encrypted. –That is, these mechanisms allow a data string that is to be protected to be divided into two parts, D, the data string that is to be encrypted and integrity-protected, and A (the additional authenticated data) that is integrity- protected but not encrypted. In all cases, the string A may be empty.

3 2010 CCSDS Spring Meeting, 5 May 2010 Portsmouth, VA, USA Encrypted Authentication Mechanisms Mechanism 1: OCB 2.0 –Submitted by T. Krovetz and P. Rogaway and subject to license. Mechanism 2: Key Wrap –AES Key Wrap Specification NIST, November 2001; specific for key management application. Mechanism 3: CCM –NIST SP800-38C Mechanism 4: EAX –An improvement of Mechanism 3 by M. Bellare, P. Rogaway and D. Wagner. Mechanism 5: Encrypt-then-MAC –Generic combination of encryption and authentication. Mechanism 6: GCM –NIST SP800-38D (Galois Counter Mode)

4 2010 CCSDS Spring Meeting, 5 May 2010 Portsmouth, VA, USA Properties Mechanism number123456 Approximate number of block cipher operations required to encrypt a q-bit message q/n12[q/n]2[q/n] Depends on encryption and MAC methods used q/n Licence possibly requiredYesNo Depends on encryption and MAC methods used No Specifically designed for use with short messages NoYesNo Message length must be known prior to starting encryption No YesNo Starting value requiredYesNoYes Previously standardisedNoYes No Yes

5 2010 CCSDS Spring Meeting, 5 May 2010 Portsmouth, VA, USA Follow-on Recommendations: Incorporate modes 4, 5 and 6. Rationale: –Mode 6 is already recommended as AES GCM. –Mode 5 provides the flexibility to combine two independent algorithms. –Mode 4 is an alternative algorithm that solves some problems found with mode 3 (CCM). Study further mode 2 in order to consider whether it can be recommended for Key Management application. Mode 1 requires license.

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