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On March the 11 th 2011, an earthquake of magnitude 9 and lasting 6 minutes shook the Northeastern Japan, in the pacific ocean. An earthquake is created.

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Presentation on theme: "On March the 11 th 2011, an earthquake of magnitude 9 and lasting 6 minutes shook the Northeastern Japan, in the pacific ocean. An earthquake is created."— Presentation transcript:


2 On March the 11 th 2011, an earthquake of magnitude 9 and lasting 6 minutes shook the Northeastern Japan, in the pacific ocean. An earthquake is created because there are two tectonic plates that rub each other. Earthquake People of Japan are used to Earthquakes, so their buildings are strong and people are well prepared. The earthquake did not cause much damage.

3 Tsunam i The word “tsunami” comes from the Japanese words “tsu” (meaning harbour) and “nami” (meaning wave). A tsunami is created by earthquakes in the sea. When two tectonic plates crash together, they form a wave. It depends on how powerful the earthquake is. The more powerful the earthquake the bigger the wave. The 2011 tsunami was 128 feet high, travelled 10 km inside Japan land, and 18,000 people died in it.

4 Nuclear accident The tsunami affected a nuclear power plant, named Fukushima, very seriously. There was a massive release of dangerous radioactive materials both inland and in the water. About 300 tons of radioactive water continues to leak from the plant every day into the Pacific Ocean, polluting fish and all life in the Pacific ocean. Radioactive materials can cause cancer in humans. Nobody is allowed to live in the contaminated area, 20 km around the nuclear plant. 160,000 people lost their homes. The land will remain contaminated for centuries.

5 Activity Write a story of what you would feel if you had to leave your home and all your belongings forever. WALT WALT- put yourself into another character to express their feelings deeply.

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