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-able able to be. acceptable (adj) able to be able to be received the way it is; worthy; satisfactory.

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Presentation on theme: "-able able to be. acceptable (adj) able to be able to be received the way it is; worthy; satisfactory."— Presentation transcript:

1 -able able to be

2 acceptable (adj) able to be able to be received the way it is; worthy; satisfactory

3 “Your work is only acceptable if you try your best,” said Mr. Charton. Creating a peace treaty that is acceptable to all parties is challenging.

4 detachable (adj) able to be able to be unfastened, taken apart, or separated

5 The keyboard is detachable so it is easier to carry. My jacket has a detachable hood to make it more lightweight.

6 honorable (adj) able to be able to be a person of honor; worthy; of high rank; worthy of respect

7 The honorable action is to tell the truth even if you won’t get caught lying. An honorable person helps others without being asked.

8 imaginable (adj) able to be able to be imagined or thought of

9 The Cruz family has every imaginable Lego set. Any goal is imaginable with perseverance and courage.

10 laughable (adj) able to be able to be laughed at; amusing; funny

11 Her behavior during dinner was laughable only because she was so young. Mrs. Cabaj’s attempts to do a backflip were laughable.

12 portable (adj) able to be able to be carried from one place to another

13 The boy begged his mom for a portable camping oven for his treehouse. Before iPods, people used portable CD players.

14 refundable (adj) able to able to have money given back again

15 Jessica would only buy the tickets if they were 100% refundable. The cost of the hotel is only refundable if you cancel the room forty-eight hours before your scheduled arrival.

16 renewable (adj) able to be able to be created again

17 Solar energy is a renewable resource, so the supply will never end. Fossil fuels are not renewable resources, so once they are used, they are gone forever.

18 repairable (adj) able to able to be fixed

19 The screen of the cell phone is repairable but not the battery. A broken friendship is only repairable if both people want to put forth a tremendous effort to fix it.

20 washable (adj) able to be able to be laundered or washed

21 Luckily, the toddler used washable markers when she drew all over her clothes. The dog’s washable garment was covered with ice cream.

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