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HONOR CODE TAYLOR ROAD MIDDLE SCHOOL. WHAT IS AN HONOR CODE? An academic honor code is a set of rules or ethical principles governing an academic community.

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Presentation on theme: "HONOR CODE TAYLOR ROAD MIDDLE SCHOOL. WHAT IS AN HONOR CODE? An academic honor code is a set of rules or ethical principles governing an academic community."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS AN HONOR CODE? An academic honor code is a set of rules or ethical principles governing an academic community based on ideals that define what constitutes honorable behavior within that community.ethicalideals honorable

3 WHAT IS AN HONOR CODE? The use of an honor code depends on the notion that people within the community can be trusted to act honorably.trusted Those who are in violation of the honor code can be subject to various sanctions,sanctions Honor codes are used to deter academic dishonesty.academic dishonesty (Source:

4 WHAT IS ACADEMIC DISHONESTY? “Academic dishonesty consists of any act that gives a student an unfair advantage over other students who completed work or took an assessment in the manner the teacher intended.” (Source: Dr. K, Barkley)


6 HONORABLE OR NOT? You are supposed to e-mail your essay to your teacher. You haven’t finished in time, so you tell your teacher you e-mailed it, but there must have been “technical difficulties.” Answer: NOT! Lying is against the honor code.

7 HONORABLE OR NOT? You didn’t finish the last 3 questions of your homework because you didn’t understand them, so you visit your teacher in the morning to ask for help. Answer: Honorable! It’s a good idea to ask your teacher for help when you don’t understand something.

8 HONORABLE OR NOT? You didn’t finish the last 3 questions of your homework because you didn’t understand them, so you copy the answers from a friend. Answer: NOT! Copying homework misrepresents the work as your own, when in reality someone else completed it.

9 HONORABLE OR NOT? You really need an A on this test, but you’re not sure about the answer to #5. You peek at the paper of the student next to you to get a hint. Answer: NOT! Cheating on an assessment is against the honor code– no matter how badly you need a good grade.

10 HONORABLE OR NOT? After a language arts test, you see someone who has the same test later in the day. You tell them, “The test was hard! Make sure you study the pronouns!” Answer: Honorable. Encouraging your friends to study the material is OK, as long as it does not give them an unfair advantage on an assessment.

11 HONORABLE OR NOT? After a language arts test, you see someone who has the same test later in the day. You tell them, “The answer to number 12 is C!” Answer: NOT! Giving out answers on a test is against the honor code.

12 HONORABLE OR NOT? Your teacher left the answer key for the test out on his desk. You take a picture of it with your phone and share it on Instagram. Answer: NOT! The material was not yours to share, and it would give students an unfair advantage on the test.

13 HONORABLE OR NOT? Your teacher is letting you work in groups to complete a worksheet. You do most of the work and let your partner copy your answers, but they changed some of the words around. Answer: NOT! Both students would be in violation of the honor code.

14 HONORABLE OR NOT? You don’t have your homework. When your teacher says that someone turned in the homework with no name, you claim it as your own. Answer: NOT! You misrepresented another student’s work as your own.

15 HONORABLE OR NOT? You did all the reading for your reading log, but forgot to get your parent to sign it. You sign it yourself—your parents won’t care. Answer: NOT! Forging signatures is against the school’s honor code, even if your parents said it was ok.

16 HONORABLE OR NOT? You have a big paper due tomorrow. You check Wikipedia for your topic and copy and paste the information into your essay, then put your name on it. Answer: NOT! This is an example of plagiarism. If you use a direct quotation, use quotation marks and cite your source. If you paraphrase the information, you STILL need to cite your source!

17 HONORABLE OR NOT? You’re having a hard time remembering one of the formulas for math, so you write it on your hand to remind you during the test. Answer: NOT! Unless your teacher allows everyone to use a formula sheet, you have gained an unfair advantage over your peers on the test.

18 HONORABLE OR NOT? You ask your homeroom teacher to visit your math teacher for extra help. You instead go to the bathroom, get water, and walk through the halls for to take a break. Answer: NOT! Lying to your teacher about where you’re going is a safety issue and a violation of the honor code.

19 HONORABLE OR NOT? You ask your homeroom teacher to visit your math teacher for extra help. When you go, your math teacher gives you extra tips to remember the formula you need for the test. Answer: Honorable! Taking the time to get help from your teacher is an honorable way to improve your score on an assessment.

20 HONOR CODE VIOLATIONS: WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES? Honor Code Violation form filled out by both teacher & student, signed by parent Office Referral Detention Redo the assignment; the highest grade you can earn is a 50%.

21 REFLECTION 1. Why is it important for ALL students to follow the Taylor Road Honor Code? 2. Can you think of a situation where it was difficult for you to do the HONORABLE thing?

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