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Maps are Made of…. Maps are made up of satellites and aerial photographs Mapmakers can store, process, and display map data electronically. This is all.

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Presentation on theme: "Maps are Made of…. Maps are made up of satellites and aerial photographs Mapmakers can store, process, and display map data electronically. This is all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maps are Made of…. Maps are made up of satellites and aerial photographs Mapmakers can store, process, and display map data electronically. This is all made possible due to computers!

2 Aerial Photographs Cameras are mounted in airplanes to capture aerial photographs. – Maps show correct location of human-made and natural features

3 University of Tennessee

4 Satellite Images Pictures of the Earth’s surface based on data are called satellite images – Plants, soil, rock, water, snow, and ice – Land may appear as red or green, water as black or blue, and cities are bluish gray.

5 Global Positioning System GPS navigates using satellite signals to fix the location of a radio receiver on Earth’s surface. – Two parts: orbiting satellites and a GPS receiver

6 Geographic Information System GIS is a system of computer hardware and software producing interactive maps – Uses many sources: GPS, satellite images, area statistics, and existing maps – Examples - street addresses, elevation above a river, and rainfall – Data layers are different types of info stored

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