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 94 LVPS Packages mounted 4’-25’ from the front-end electronics.  4 modules per package. u +5V& -5V “Digital”, +5V & -5V “Analog” 18 A 1A 18A 18Amps.

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Presentation on theme: " 94 LVPS Packages mounted 4’-25’ from the front-end electronics.  4 modules per package. u +5V& -5V “Digital”, +5V & -5V “Analog” 18 A 1A 18A 18Amps."— Presentation transcript:

1  94 LVPS Packages mounted 4’-25’ from the front-end electronics.  4 modules per package. u +5V& -5V “Digital”, +5V & -5V “Analog” 18 A 1A 18A 18Amps PDT Low Voltage P.S.

2 LVPS Connections

3 LVPS Testing  Procedure (on d0mino) /RunII/home/room2/diehl/muonup/19 99/lvps_test.txt u Disconnect front-end electronics from Renwa card u Check wires connections at both ends u Measure load internal resistance u Power up with a simulated load & adjust voltages to read proper voltage output u Reconnect electronics with FEB cards  Typical malfunctions (Alonso G.)  Loose wires  60%  Wrong connections in wiring-esp. sense leads  40%  Bad power supplies  9 of 88 Power supplies  Bad soldering on the lead wires of the power supplies  5 of 88 Power supplies

4 LVPS Status  Total: 94 Supplies  Installed: 90 (not yet: 105, 106, 145,146)  Completely Connected: ~78 (many in the A-layer don’t have a power trunk yet).  Operating: ~66 (Bottom B & C-layer not operating, incomplete electronics)  Power Supply Operation: u A couple modules have been replaced. In retrospect, the problems have likely been related to the modules A.C. connections, rather than to component failure.  Plan to Finish: u Install 4 remaining LVPS after EF’s are closed. u Victor M. has material to make long power trunks. Install in 2-wk shutdown.

5 PDT High Voltage  94 PDT’s each have two H.V. inputs.  Operating Voltage u On mini-pdt (small length) s Wire: 4.65 kv Pad: 2.3 kv u On the real thing (not finalized?) s Wire: 4.7 kv Pad: 2.3 kv  Status of MCH2: u 2 Crates, 47 pods u All pods installed u All pods have been operated u Pods not tested for extended periods

6 PDT Business End  Service Cards u 3 Types u Recently purchased spares for A-layer u Now have sufficient spares of all kinds.

7 HV On Detector  POD to PDT Map u Sensible division of PDT’s to Pods s Averages 2 PDT’s per pod s Large A-layer PDT’s each have own pods s Bottom A-layer PDT’s ganged 3/pod s Quiet Bottom C-layer PDT’s ganged 4/pod u See file muon_upgrade/Image3.gif u Tested recently to make sure pod # matched the appropriate Reynolds output.  6 PDT’s (B&C-layer top east, octant 1) have been operated on a couple of gasses since last summer.

8 HV Pod Map

9 HV On Detector  70 (-3) PDT’s are connected to HV pods. u 3 PDT’s (243, 135, 141) are disconnected because of broken wires.  67 PDT’s OK at 200V on wire and pad  36 PDT’s have been brought up to full voltage.  Plan: u Upon gas flow: bring the PDT’s to full voltage. Measure/track beam-off currents. u Finish cable installation in the 2 week shutdown u Repair/jumper cells with broken wires on access

10  LVPS u 90/94ths installed u 66/94ths operating u No evidence of LVPS pod failure u Finish during the 2 wk shutdown.  High Voltage System u Infrastructure MCH2 complete u 67/94ths ready to be brought up to full voltage once gas is flowing. u Finish during the 2 wk shutdown. Summary

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