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What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

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Presentation on theme: "What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8. “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s a Patriarch Old Testament Lesson 8

2 “This term refers to the individuals who stand at the fountainhead of our faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob… The patriarchs are the ancestors of our faith. ”

3 Background The last verses of Genesis chapter 11, starting at verse 27, begin a new literary unit about the family of Terah. (another genealogy list)

4 Abram’s story is the story of God’s plan to redeem us back after Adam’s fall. The events of the story fit well into the Middle Bronze Age. (2000-1550 B.C.)

5 This account is different from other literature of the same age in that it narrows to a story about one family and their journey of faith.

6 Terah had three sons, Abram Nahor, and Haran. Haran had a son named Lot. Terah out - lived his son Haran.

7 Terah took Lot, Abram, and Saria and set out for Canaan. They got as far as Haran and settled down Terah died in Haran at 205 years of age.

8 After Terah’s death God spoke to Abram and told him to, “Leave your country, your family, and your father’s home for a land that I will show you.” Gen 12:1

9 Up until this time God had dealt with the sin problem on a universal scale. Seth’s line was faithful, but the rest of the population didn’t follow God. Even through a universal flood and dispersion of languages mankind still turned from God.

10 Now, “the faithful obedience of a single individual has universal significance.”

11 Just a thought, but could God be calling you to an action that would effect the world? Will you say yes to what seems insignificant?


13 Gen 15:6 And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.




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