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Parts of the Eukaryotic Cell A Step by Step Guide Part 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Parts of the Eukaryotic Cell A Step by Step Guide Part 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parts of the Eukaryotic Cell A Step by Step Guide Part 1

2 Use the drawing to help you recognize what we are talking about.

3 CELL (Plasma) MEMBRANE Holds contents inside

4 PLASMA MEMBRANE Controls what enters and leaves cell

5 Cell membrane The Plasma Membrane (gray) controls what goes in and out of the cell. This drawing shows just the Cell Membrane and some pores in which materials can flow in and out Cell Pore Color code it in your box, go back and color it in later…

6 The Cell membrane consists of the following structures: 2.Integral Proteins – proteins that go all the way through the membrane. They only allow certain elements or molecules to enter inside the cell 1. Phospholipids – they are the layer that keeps foreign objects out

7 3.Peripheral Proteins – proteins that DO NOT go all the way through the membrane. They help speed up reactions inside or outside of the cell membrane

8 PeripheralIntegralPhospholipids

9 The Fluid Mosaic Model of Cell Membranes This explains why the cell membrane isn’t stiff 1.Proteins can move freely in between the phospholipids when needed. (Imagine moving a straw through a shake)

10 Now back to cell parts…

11 Cytoplasm – Is the area of the cell between the cell membrane and the nucleus Cytosol - Is the liquid, jelly-like fluid inside the cell. This keeps all the organelles bathed in a liquid covering.

12 Cytoskeleton - Is a framework of protein fibers called Microtubules & Microfillaments (kind of like the beams in a house) - It gives the cell it’s shape - Just like your skeleton gives your body shape

13 Leave the Cytoplasm as a white color, and color in the parts of the Cytoskeleton…Microtubules (yellow) and the Microfillaments are the thin black lines MicrofillamentsMicrotubules Cytoplasm

14 The Nucleus 1.Is the control center of the cell 3. Is surrounded by a double membrane called the Nuclear Membrane 4. The Nuclear Membrane has holes to let certain substances in/out.(RNA) These holes are called the Nuclear Pores 2. The nucleus stores DNA/RNA information 5. Most contain a dark spherical area called the Nucleolus (which contains RNA for proteins)

15 CYTOPLASMCYTOPLASM Nuclear Envelope Nucleolus Nuclear Pores

16 Now color the Nuclear Envelope (brown). The spaghetti looking stuff is DNA, the center of the nucleus is the Nucleolus (black) This holds all the heredity information. Also you may color the Nuclear Pores Nuclear Envelope Nuclear Pores Nucleolus

17 VOCABULARY! Cell Membrane Phospholipids Integral protein Peripheral protein Fluid mosaic model Cytoplasm Cytosol Cytoskeleton Nuclear membrane Nucleolus

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