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Accessing and Interpreting QualityCore Reports

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Presentation on theme: "Accessing and Interpreting QualityCore Reports"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accessing and Interpreting QualityCore Reports

2 Types of Reports Individual Student Score Report Overview Final Score Report (Teacher, School, and District) Roster Report-Final by Subscore Roster Report-Final by Gender Roster Report-Final by Ethnicity

3 Levels of Report Access Teachers  Performance of each of their students  Performance of each of their classes  Performance of their combined classes School Administrators and Users  Performance of each student  Overview reports for school data

4 Levels of Report Access (continued) District Administrators and Users  Performance of each student  Overview reports for each school  Overview reports for district

5 What Scores? When? MC/MC QualityCore (QC) reports in the online reporting system will include scores for Multiple Choice sections 1 and 2. If the administration was CBT, the score will be returned within 24 hours, usually instantly If the administration was P&P, the scores will appear in the online system within 2 weeks after ACT receives the answer documents for scoring


7 What Scores? When? MC/MC/CR KDE receives one complete state data file from ACT in summer for all students regardless of when tested with MC/MC and CR responses. KDE uses final data in accountability reports for Next-Generation Learners (Achievement and Gap categories).

8 KDE Policy End-of-course test results may be used for a percentage of a student’s final grade in the course, as outlined in local policy. If that percentage is less than 20%, school districts will submit reports to KDE providing justification.

9 Using the Scores


11 District Administrator

12 School User

13 Teacher

14 Login


16 Scale score averages across forms are meaningful and useable

17 Raw score averages from the same form are useable and meaningful Raw score averages across forms are not useable and meaningful

18 Accessing and Interpreting QualityCore Reports

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