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Designing for the Invisible User-Centered Design of Infrastructure Awareness Systems Juan David Hincapié-Ramos – Aurélien Tabard –

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Presentation on theme: "Designing for the Invisible User-Centered Design of Infrastructure Awareness Systems Juan David Hincapié-Ramos – Aurélien Tabard –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing for the Invisible User-Centered Design of Infrastructure Awareness Systems Juan David Hincapié-Ramos – Aurélien Tabard – Jakob E. Bardram –

2 Mini-Grid 2

3 Infrastructures Infrastructures are Invisible! Problems of Invisibility – Use (trust) – Adoption – Capacity (Mini-Grid) Vizualizations Seamful Design Intelligibility 3

4 GridOrbit 4

5 Designing GridOrbit Future Workshop Paper Protoryping Short Iterations – Evaluations Designing for the Invisible Lack of understanding – Nature of the Infrastructure – Characteristis – Potential 5 Problems for Design

6 6 AMCard Technique AMCard matching of the users’ interests with the information the infrastructure awareness system can provide

7 Infrastructure Awareness Model O Nimbus What the entity projects about itself Focus: What the entity is interested in 7

8 A B 8 A

9 U I IA 9

10 AMCard Technique U I 10 Focus Cards The users’ interests Nimbus Cards The infrastructure’s features

11 Inspiration Cards 11 Picture taken from the original paper: Halskov, K. and Dalsgård, P. 2006. Inspiration card workshops. In Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Designing interactive Systems (University Park, PA, USA, June 26 - 28, 2006). DIS '06. ACM, New York, NY, 2-11. DOI=

12 User Focus Cards Infrastructure Critique, Implications for Redesign Infrastructure Awareness System’s Features Fieldwork Infrastructure User Focus Cards Nimbus Cards AMC Workshop Design Concept + Closure Infrastructure Awareness Prototype 12 DesignPresentationMatchingClosure Technique Stages The InfAwareness System

13 AMC – Design 13

14 AMC – Presentation 14

15 AMC – Matching (1/2) 15

16 AMC – Matching (2/2) 16

17 AMC – Closure 18 Matched The interests can be met Missed Either interests or infrastructure are insufficient Discarded Irrelevant for the solution 15 groups 11 matches 4 missed 13 cards discarted 9 focus 4 nimbus

18 Results 19 To evaluate how relevant is the information displayed by infrastructure awareness systems. A To identify which of the users interests infrastructures awareness systems do not take into account. B To identify elements of re-design in the infrastructures themselves so as to improve their adoptability. C Relevant: machines and people associated to them No Relevant: the details of task distribution. Algorithms, input data and parameters Task execution results (numeric or graphical)

19 5

20 Infrastructure Awareness Systems Reveal invisible aspects of infrastructures to existing and potential users, in the periphery of their attention. Recall visibility & preserve backgroundness. Information of interest to the users. 5

21 13 AMCard Technique

22 Focus Cards Prioritizing 1.Ongoing activity in the lab – What is going on? What are the latest publications? 2.Get and understand results – How do others do procedure X? Am I missing something? 3.Experimental procedure – Resource availability and location. Colleagues expertise. 4.Publicizing results – Exceptional results. Decoded RNA & DNA.

23 Closure Analisys Which of the infrastructure features being shown, but not relevant (e.g. bidding activity); Which of the infrastructure features not being shown, but relevant (e.g. the data used to execute a task); Which elements of interest the awareness system could display to engage people even though not supported by the infrastructure (e.g. latest publications). Which elements of the infrastructure were missing to answer users’ interests (e.g. sharing of results).

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