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Family & Marriage.  Functions of the Family  Regulation of Sexual Activity  Procreation and Socialization of children  Economic Support  Emotional.

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Presentation on theme: "Family & Marriage.  Functions of the Family  Regulation of Sexual Activity  Procreation and Socialization of children  Economic Support  Emotional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family & Marriage

2  Functions of the Family  Regulation of Sexual Activity  Procreation and Socialization of children  Economic Support  Emotional Support  Social Class Placement

3 Family Structure and Social Change  A nuclear family is typically made up of a husband, a wife, and their biological or adopted children

4  Functions of the Family  Regulation of Sexual Activity  Incest Taboo  Rules which forbid sexual intercourse between close blood relatives  Endogamy  Principle that requires that people marry or have sexual relations within a certain group  Exogamy  Principle that requires that people marry or have sexual relations outside of their group

5  Functions of the Family  Procreation and Socialization of children  Socialization  Acquisition of language, cultural knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and values  Roles  Learning roles and relationships such as mother, father, siblings, parents, children, and other relatives

6  Functions of the Family  Economic Support  Financial security and stability, food, shelter, clothing  Emotional Support  The family is a primary group  Primary groups are characterized by close, long-lasting, intimate, face-to-face interaction  Love, nurturance, and emotional sustenance  Social Class Placement  Social class of family affects who we marry, how many children, childrearing, domestic roles, education, etc.

7  Diversity in Marriages, Families, and Kinship Systems  Basic Family Structures  Family of Orientation  Family in which a person is raised  Family of Procreation  Family a person forms by marrying and having or adopting children  Kinship System  Network of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption  Extended Family  Family form in which two or more generations live together or in adjacent dwellings

8 Family Values: Three Perspectives  The family is deteriorating.  The family is changing, not deteriorating.  The family is stronger than ever.

9   Micro-level influences on the family include individual choices and social interactions.  Macro-level influences on the family include:  Economic forces  Technological innovations  Popular culture  Social movements  Family policies Why are Families Changing?

10   Demographic changes  Fertility rates have declined.  The average age of the population has risen.  Changes in family and nonfamily households include:  Fewer intact families  More births to unmarried women  More unmarried people living together  More people getting divorced  More employed mothers of young children Trends in Changing Families

11   Marriage is a socially approved mating relationship that is expected to be stable and enduring.  Norms are culturally defined rules for behaviors.  Common characteristics of marriage  Share economic responsibilities  Engage in sexual activity only with spouses  Bear and raise children What is Marriage?

12  Diversity in Marriages, Families, and Kinship Systems  Types of Marriages  Monogamy  One person is married exclusively to another person.  Serial monogamy  The pattern of marriage, divorce, and remarriage.  Polygamy  A man or a woman has two or more spouses.  Residential Patterns  Patrilocal  The newly married couple lives with the husband’s family.  Matrilocal  The newly married couple lives with the wife’s family.  Neolocal  The newly married couple sets up its own residence.

13   Ceremonial marriages are ones in which the couple must follow procedures specified by the state or other jurisdiction.  Common-Law marriages are a non- ceremonial form that people establish by cohabitation or evidence of consummation.  Bigamy is marrying a second person while a first marriage is still legal. Diversity in Marriages


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