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Current Perspectives in Psychology Unit 1 Lesson 3.

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1 Current Perspectives in Psychology Unit 1 Lesson 3

2 Objectives Evaluate major concepts and contributors of the six major current perspectives in psychology.

3 Warm Up Identify the two ways ancient civilizations explained causes of abnormal behavior. Evil Spirits Imbalance Humors

4 Review When did we begin to understand the body? Name two pseudoscientific ways to understand behavior. Who is the father of psych? Why? What’s the difference between structuralism and functionalism? Name two additional pioneers of psychology.

5 Modern Perspectives in Psychology “School”- Shared theory & research method Psychoanalytic Behaviorism Humanistic Cognitive Biological Sociocultural

6 Activity Directions Count off by 3… At each station, you will be given ~10 minutes to read more about each school of thought. Use the guided notetaking sheet to identify key ideas. In your small groups, share your findings and complete the corresponding activities.

7 Closure Which school do you find most interesting? Least interesting? Why? HW: Mixed Up Schools

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