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1960’s Cold War – CRM and Vietnam Review Game!!! Round 1.

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Presentation on theme: "1960’s Cold War – CRM and Vietnam Review Game!!! Round 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 1960’s Cold War – CRM and Vietnam Review Game!!! Round 1

2 Name the following  The closest the US came to nuclear war was over the ______________ event.

3 Name the following  ____________ tried to unionize hispanic workers to receive more pay and voting rights.

4 Name the following  The new US foreign policy in the Cold War era was called ____________

5 Name the following  ______________ was the woman in charge of the MDFP who spear headed voter registration, but was outraged at the democratic party response of not letting her group speak at the convention.

6 Name the following  ___________ overturned the S. Court case Plessey v Ferguson.

7 Name the following  ____________ gave women the right to participate in athletic events.

8 Name the following  Writers, directors, producers that were brought up on charges of being “anti- American”.

9 Name the following  MLK and other leaders were afraid that no one would come to this event _____________. What was the reason for holding this event? (Think about location)

10 Name the following  The idea of a modern day (1950s) witch hunt…better dead than red…commonly referred to as ____________.

11 Name the following  Rosa Parks refusal to give up her seat began the ____________.

12 Name the following  A chemical agent that was designed to destroy all plant life…has later problems for soliders.

13 Name the following  The South Viet-cong were supplied by the North Viet-cong along the _______________.

14 Name the following  The _____________ is the largest day of protest against the war.

15 Name the following…  The _________ shootings were in response to President Nixon authorizing ground troops in Cambodia and Laos.

16 Round 2  Who, what, where, why is it signifcant?

17 What is it?  “Great Silent Majority”

18 What is it?  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

19 What is it?  Roe v Wade

20 What is it?  AIM

21 What is it?  Cuban missile crisis

22 What is it?  SCLU

23 What is it?  Pentagon papers

24 What is it?  My Lai

25 What is it?  Bay of Pigs

26 What is it?  New Frontier/Great Society

27 What is it?  Greensboro Four

28 What is it?  Freedom Summer

29 What is it?  Bloody Sunday

30 What is it?  Ho Chi Minh

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