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Group Dynamics Module 10 Group Dynamics “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is.

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Presentation on theme: "Group Dynamics Module 10 Group Dynamics “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Dynamics Module 10

2 Group Dynamics “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead Module 10

3 Group Dynamics l To identify and analyze the social processes that impact on group development and performance. l To acquire the skills necessary to intervene and improve individual and group performance in an organizational context. Objectives: Module 10

4 Objectives (contd) l To build more successful organizations by applying techniques that provide positive impact on goal achievement. Module 10

5 Group Dynamics The social process by which people interact in a group environment The influences of personality, power and behaviour on the group process Module 10

6 Types of Groups Formal - structured to perform specific tasks. Informal - emerge naturally in response to organizational or member interests. Module 10

7 Group Size l to express individual viewpoints; l to develop social relationships; l to ensure everyone participates; l for individual recognition. Issues to be considered include opportunities: Module 10

8 Group Structure l ensure that all skill sets are included; l examine the impact of a poor performer on group achievement; Issues considered include: Module 10

9 Group Structure (contd) l ensure a combination of leaders and followers; l examine the potential for personality conflicts; l impacts of member diversity. Module 10

10 Group Development Forming - orientation, guidance (dependence) Storming - conflict, roles and responsibilities, rules and procedures, individual recognition (counterdependence) Module 10

11 Group Development (contd) Module 10 Norming - issue resolution, develop social agreements, cohesion, establish group norms (interdependence) Performing - mutual assistance, creativity, understanding goals and roles (independence) Adjourning - closure, symbolism, ceremonies, and emotional support.

12 Participants’ Input 10.1 Module 10

13 Group Functions l Task behaviours; l Maintenance behaviours; l Self-interest behaviours. Module 10

14 Task Behaviours l initiating; l information seeking/giving; l clarifying ideas; l brining closure; l consensus testing. Module 10

15 Maintenance Behaviours l encouraging; l improving group atmosphere; l harmonizing; l compromising; l gate-keeping. Module 10

16 Self-interest Behaviours l dominating/controlling; l blocking; l manipulating; l belittling; l splitting hairs. Module 10

17 Group Norms l social standards and acceptable behaviours; l collectively held expectations of group functioning; l provide regularity and predictability to group functioning. Module 10

18 Types of Norms l conduct; l work performance/attendance; l rearranging personal space; l assisting co-workers; l loyalty; l dress codes; l rewards. Standards related to: Module 10

19 Roles Assigned roles - chair, secretary, manager, treasurer, etc; Emergent roles - confidant, group clown, gossip, mentor, etc; Module 10

20 Factors That Impact Effectiveness Role Ambiguity - worker is unclear of job definition; Role Conflict -worker experiences job overlap. Module 10

21 Status Symbolic - office, administrative support, perks; Impact -authority, hierarchy, decision- making, rewards. Module 10

22 Affected by the ability of the group to: Group Cohesion Work as a unit, share tasks, recognize member contributions; -VS- Conflict, role ambiguity, lack of motivation; -Attracts- High performers, opportunists, achievers; -Affected by- Group size, cliques, acts of protest, self-interest behaviour Module 10

23 Support l training; l reward system; l empowerment/self-management; l organizational representativeness/diversity. Module 10

24 Participants’ Input 10.2 Module 10

25 Transactional Analysis Social transactions between individuals: Parent - protective, nurturing, controlling, critical, guiding. Adult - rational, calculating, factual, unemotional. Child - rebellious, spontaneous, dependant, creative, emotional. Module 10

26 Reactions l I’m OK - You’re OK l I’m OK - You’re not OK l I’m not OK - You’re OK l I’m not OK - You’re not OK Module 10

27 Individual Behaviour Passive -easily “pushed around”, compliant, submissive, non-resistant. Aggressive - pushy, hostile, forceful, creates conflict, shows disregard for others. Assertive - self-assured, confident, positive, protects own rights, respects others. Module 10

28 Effective Teams l high skills, high motivation; l have a clear picture of group goals; l high performance; l success attracts others; l opportunity for individual recognition; l recognition of professionalism. Module 10 Are a result of:

29 Participants’ Input 10.3 Module 10

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