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Digital Resource Exploration Session’s learning target: I can continue to research digital resources to assist me in the delivery of my content and in.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Resource Exploration Session’s learning target: I can continue to research digital resources to assist me in the delivery of my content and in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Resource Exploration Session’s learning target: I can continue to research digital resources to assist me in the delivery of my content and in my classroom management.

2 Criteria for Success I will revisit the extensive list of digital resources being utilized by my PLC peers throughout the district. I will research these resources and explore/manipulate at least one to utilize in my class within the next week. OR

3 Criteria for Success I will understand the purpose of Flubaroo. I will practice creating a Google form and using the Flubaroo add-on with it. I will utilize this digital resource in my classroom within the next week.

4 Session Norms I will remain on-task and focused with the activity of my choice for the entire session. I will ask questions of the facilitators to keep my own learning moving forward. I will maintain positive intent with this work.

5 Activity Intro How do I know if I want to learn about Flubaroo??? I don’t even know what it is!

6 Activity Intro What is Flubaroo? What can it do? How will it help me teach?

7 Self-selected Groups Group 1: I want a step-by-step demonstration of how to Flubaroo. Group 2: I understand Flubaroo, and I’d just like to try it on my own (but would welcome help if I have specific issues as I am working). Group 3: I am not ready to Flubaroo. I’d like quiet time to independently look at other digital resources my peers are using across the district and find one/incorporate one I can try in an upcoming lesson.

8 Group 1 Directions 1. Follow along with the teacher-led activity for creating your own Flubaroo. 2. Refer to the handout provided. 3. Use the sample test shared by the instructor, or use your test you have brought with you, to make a data- gathering form. 4. Practice a dummy answer-guide entry. 5. Practice sorting dummy data.

9 Group 2 Directions 1. Independently or as a small PLC, create a formative assessment using Google Forms. 2. Refer to the instructor’s provided handout. 3. Practice a dummy answer-guide entry. 4. Practice sorting dummy data. 5. Ask for help from a facilitator if you get stuck.

10 Group 3 Directions 1. Independently or as a small PLC, search through the shared digital resources—which were introduced at the March job-alike ERPD—found in Google Drive. 2. Find one you want to try to use in class within the next week. 3. Manipulate the resource if needed to support your upcoming lesson and activity. 4. Ask for help from the facilitator if you get stuck.

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