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Today…. IT’S WHO WANTS TO BE a Cell ultrastructure MILLIONAIRE!

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Presentation on theme: "Today…. IT’S WHO WANTS TO BE a Cell ultrastructure MILLIONAIRE!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today…. IT’S WHO WANTS TO BE a Cell ultrastructure MILLIONAIRE!

2 Prokaryotic cells 2.What is the definition of prokaryote, and what is the etymology of the word? 3.What about flagellum – what is it, and what is the origin of the word?

3 Name three structures that you can see on this cholera bacterium

4 What is this structure?

5 What is this type of cell? What is the labelled structure and what does it do?

6 Write down six differences between prokaryote and eukaryote cell structure ProkaryoteEukaryote

7 What’s this?

8 What can you visualise with the naked eye? 0.1 mm (100 μm).

9 Biggest and smallest cells Human egg: 130 μm Human sperm: 60 x 5 μm Some neurons can be 1 m long!

10 Size is relative…. OrganismSize Prokaryotic cell1 – 10 μm Animal Cell10 – 30 μm Plant Cell10 – 100 μm Virus< 100 ηm DNA molecule2 ηm Phospholipid membrane10 ηm

11 Resolving power


13 RESOLUTION mmumnm Naked eye0.1100100,000 Light microscope0.00020.2200 Electron microscope 0.0000010.0011

14 Electron microscopes FAR higher RESOLUTION (fine detail) than light microscopes Electron microscope: X 1500 – X500,000)

15 Light v Electron

16 Magnifying using the Light Microscope

17 Magnifying using the Electron Microscope

18 Electron Microscopy! Follows the same principles as light microscopy, but shines a beam of electrons rather than light particles The shorter ‘wavelength’ of the electron beam allows incredible resolution Particles can be resolved to 0.001 μ (= 2 ηm)

19 Scanning Electron Microscope ‘I think the electron microscope has contributed more to science than any other scientific instrument that’s ever been invented’ - Allan Mitchell, Microscopy Otago Image gallery

20 Magnifying using the Electron Microscope

21 Now we can begin to examine the structures INSIDE cells… exocrine pancreas X 129,000

22 Now we can begin to examine the structures INSIDE cells… palisade cell X 129,000

23 Calculating magnification/image size/actual size The ‘I am’ triangle


25 What sort of cell is this? Write down four organelles which you can identify What sort of microscope produced this image?

26 What organelle is this? What sort of cell did it come from? What size is it?

27 What organelle is this? What sort of cell did it come from? What size is it?

28 This is a pancreatic cell. Name 4 structures which you can identify within the pancreatic cell

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