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Rasisminvastainen kampanja #whenlatest The week against racism 21–27 March 2016 ANTI-RACISM CAMPAIGN.

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Presentation on theme: "Rasisminvastainen kampanja #whenlatest The week against racism 21–27 March 2016 ANTI-RACISM CAMPAIGN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rasisminvastainen kampanja #whenlatest The week against racism 21–27 March 2016 ANTI-RACISM CAMPAIGN

2 Rasisminvastainen kampanja Why is the Finnish Red Cross taking action against racism and inequality?  The mandate of the Finnish Red Cross demands that the organisation defend all vulnerable people: by campaigning openly, we defend those who might be unable to defend themselves.  Racism hurts both its victims and the entire society. We want to support the development of a society where everyone feels safe.  Our desire to work against racism is based on the Red Cross principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality. During the week against racism:  We will discuss discrimination and racism  We will work for a diverse and equal society  We will do good deeds against racism

3 Rasisminvastainen kampanja  When was the last time you took a stand against racism in social media?  When was the last time you spoke out for equality and human rights?  When was the last time you questioned discriminating opinions and promoted a view that emphasises equality?  When was the last time you intervened in a racist situation?  When was the last time you created a space to discuss experiences of racism?  When was the last time you collected or did good deeds against racism? DO A GOOD DEED AND SHARE IT! #milloinviimeksi

4 Rasisminvastainen kampanja #milloinviimeksi When was the last time you took a stand in social media? #milloinviimeksi #eirasismille #punainenristi

5 Rasisminvastainen kampanja #milloinviimeksi When was the last time you collected good deeds against racism?

6 Rasisminvastainen kampanja #milloinviimeksi An event with the inhabitants of an reception centre, a Racism Quiz night, a discussion event, a training circle, a demonstration...

7 Rasisminvastainen kampanja We invite new volunteers and members to join in  The Red Cross membership is a comment against racism and discrimination  The Red Cross activities are meant for everyone. During the campaign, we will recruit new volunteers and members  The campaign material includes a contact form for those interested in the activities of the Finnish Red Cross  Once we have campaigned against racism, we will promote the Red Cross activities

8 Rasisminvastainen kampanja Materials supporting the activities  Web page:  Facebook: Against racism!Against racism!  School materials of the campaign:  Campaign materials (posters, good deed collection forms):  RedNet: Campaign instructions:  The Behaviour Toolsupports you in action against racism The Behaviour Tool

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