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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning !!! Today is Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Bell work 1.TURN IN YOUR TAKE HOME FOLDER IN THE PINK BUCKET ON THE HORSESHOE TABLE IN NUMBER ORDER."— Presentation transcript:


2 Good Morning !!! Today is Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Bell work 1.TURN IN YOUR TAKE HOME FOLDER IN THE PINK BUCKET ON THE HORSESHOE TABLE IN NUMBER ORDER 2.“Playtime in the Snow” Make sure you have answered Question 6 & Highlight where you find evidence to support your answer 3.If you are finished with your book, you may swap it out. 4.Practice your Flashcards 1 Activity Science Lab Activity Science Lab

3 Morning Meeting Today is February 2nd We go to Science Lab today for Activity. You have 30 seconds to greet one another around your desk. Important dates and information: – Fact Fluency Friday Choose 3 people to share about something. After they have shared, choose 2 people to respond to the person sharing. Quote of the Day: 2 8:45

4 Making Meaning Narrative Nonfiction 9:00

5 3rd Grade Making Meaning Unit 6 Week 1: Using Text Features

6 5

7 F IX U P S TRATEGIES 1. REREAD a part of the book that you do not understand carefully and slowly 2. READ AHEAD and look for more information 3. STOP & ASK QUESTIONS about what you are reading, searching for answers before, during, and after reading 6

8 T HINKING ABOUT MY R EADING It is important to stop and think about your reading. You can use these questions to self-monitor. 1. What is happening in my book? 2. Do I understand what I am reading? 3. Do I know what most of the words mean? 4. Is this book fun and interesting to read? 7

9 R EADING C OMPREHENSION STRATEGIES Visualizing – using an author’s words to create pictures in their minds Making Inferences about characters – authors often reveal information about their characters through the characters’ words, actions, and thoughts instead of telling the reader directly what the characters are like Wondering / Questioning – helps you actively think about what you are reading and read for answers to your questions 8

10 I NDIVIDUALIZED D AILY R EADING You will be reading silently for 15-20 minutes. I will be conferring with individual students. You will continue to read NONFICTION texts. Use the “Thinking About Reading” Anchor Chart

11 Why is it important to stop as you are reading to ask yourself if you understand what you have read? How do rereading and reading ahead help you make sense of text? Which comprehension strategy do you find the most helpful when you’re not understanding something you’re reading? Why? 10

12 S HARE Y OUR R EADING What is the title of the book? What is the book about? What is something you wondered as you were reading? What is something you learned? Did that make you wonder anything else?

13 D AY 2 In today’s lesson you will: Hear and discuss parts of an expository nonfiction book Use the index to locate information in the book Read independently for up to 25 minutes Take responsibility for their learning and behavior 9:45

14 P AIR STUDENTS Kaden – Alexis Anthony T. – Kylia Anthony G. – Jaylon Mya – Jamari’ Desiree – Kevin Xalyn – Mariyah Haiyden – Christian Yanya – Dairyona Dakota – BJ Aidan – Conneisha

15 D ISCUSS T AKING R ESPONSIBILITY We have been working to build a reading community in which everyone feels welcome and safe. One way they contribute to this community is by taking responsibility for their learning and behavior. Ask: What have you done to take responsibility for your own behavior and learning? What can you do in the coming days to make sure you are being responsible

16 _____ said she/he took responsibility for her learning when she/he. Why is that a responsible thing to do? Why is it important to contribute your thinking to partner and class conversations? How does that help us build a supportive reading community? What can we do to be sure we __________ in the coming weeks

17 R EVIEW M ORNING M EALS A ROUND THE WORLD Introduce the Index Show the cover of Morning Meals Around the World and review that the students looked at the back cover summary and the table of contents and heard about different morning meals from around the world. We will explore a text feature found at the end of many expository nonfiction books and learn more about morning meals around the world. page 24 of Morning Meals and show the index Student Response Book page 30, “Think, Pair, Share” to discuss: What do you notice about the index? [pause] Turn to your partner 16

18 E XPLORE THE I NDEX Look at the index in their Student Response Books Together circle one or two of the listed topics that you want to learn more about. Why are you interested in those topics? The index in a nonfiction book helps readers quickly find all the places in the book where a topic or a word is mentioned. Readers often use the index if they have a question about a specific topic or want to find out more about it. Add index to the “Text Features” chart 17

19 T EXT F EATURES Summary on the back cover – let’s the reader know what the book is about Table of Contents - tells readers the different chapters or sections in the book and the pages where each chapter or section begins (SHB p.28) Index - helps readers quickly find all the places in the book where a topic or a word is mentioned 18

20 R EADING C OMPREHENSION S TRATEGIES Visualizing – using an author’s words to create pictures in their minds Making Inferences about characters – authors often reveal information about their characters through the characters’ words, actions, and thoughts instead of telling the reader directly what the characters are like Wondering / Questioning – helps you actively think about what you are reading and read for answers to your questions Using Text Features - 19

21 20

22 T AKING R ESPONSIBILITY How did you take responsibility as you were reading and talking with your partner today? Tell the students that tomorrow we will continue to explore text features in Morning Meals Around the World 21

23 10:15

24 23

25 24 10:30

26 Being a Writer Expository Nonfiction 10:35

27 3rd Grade Making Meaning Week 2: Expository Nonfiction Week 2: Expository Nonfiction

28 Day 5 In this lesson, the students will: Identify and list animals they are curious about Narrow their lists Reach agreements before making decisions Make fair decisions

29 Spend a few minutes quietly rereading the writing you have worked on for the past 3 weeks. Circle any animal names Make a joint list of all the animals you have written about so far. Did you and your partner read and write about any of the same animals? Which ones? Which animals on your list are both of you curious about? TTP

30 Today, you will find at least two more animals that you are both interested in. researching and writing about. Try to find animals that live in very different environments from the animals they have listed so far. After you have added two more animals, you may use the nonfiction resources to learn more about ay animal on your list

31 Ways to Present Nonfiction 1.Questions and Answers Wolves 2.Organized by topics Reptiles 3.Alphabet ABCs of Endangered Animals 4.Follow one individual Into the Sea 5.Illustrations or Photographs Panda Kindergarten 6.Imagine life from an animal’s point of view Where the Butterflies Grow

32 What can you and your partner do to be sure you both agree before adding an animal to your list? If another pair is looking at a resource that you want to use, what can you do?

33 Read Nonfiction Texts Write about nonfiction reading Spend 15–20 minutes browsing the nonfiction texts 32

34 Writing Time! Add new animals to your list 33 Skip Lines Make sure you leave a line blank.

35 Narrow the Lists What are some ways you and your partner can work together to choose animals? TTP

36 Today you and your partner worked together to make the first of many decisions you will make during the next few weeks. What did you do to make sure you both agreed before making a decision? Why is it important that your decision feels fair to both of you? 35

37 How are we doing with building a caring writing community in our class? Why do you think so? What can we do to continue to make this a safe place for everyone to write and share their thinking? 36

38 1:00

39 FRACTIONS!!! 38

40 Closure

41 Scholastic News 40

42 Dismissal 41

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