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New Results in Charmless B Meson Decays at New Results in Charmless B Meson Decays at Justin Albert Univ. of Victoria 20 July, 2013 Representing the BaBar.

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Presentation on theme: "New Results in Charmless B Meson Decays at New Results in Charmless B Meson Decays at Justin Albert Univ. of Victoria 20 July, 2013 Representing the BaBar."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Results in Charmless B Meson Decays at New Results in Charmless B Meson Decays at Justin Albert Univ. of Victoria 20 July, 2013 Representing the BaBar Collaboration

2 Overview: 2 (of Many) New BaBar Results New Results in Charmless B Decays at New Results in Charmless B Decays at 20 July 13 J. Albert 2 1) Evidence for B 0 →  and improved limit for B 0 →  1) Measurement of CP violation inB decays to three charged kaons. arXiv:1201.5897, PRD 85:112010 (2012); Also arXiv:1305.4218, SLAC-PUB-15451 Brand new! To be submitted to PRL

3 1)Evidence for B 0 →  and improved limit for B 0 →  Brand new! To be submitted to PRL

4 B 0 →  and B 0 →   : Motivation SM expected BFs: B 0 →  : O(1 x 10 -6 ) B 0 →  : O(1 x 10 -7 ) New Results in Charmless B Decays at New Results in Charmless B Decays at 20 July 13 J. Albert 3  Anomalies in charmless decays with loops:  (Somewhat) low values of CP asymmetries.  Quite low value of longitudinally- polarized fraction in φK*.  Potential signs of new physics in loops…? Naively expect here

5 New Results in Charmless B Decays at New Results in Charmless B Decays at 20 July 13 J. Albert 4 B 0 →  and B 0 →  : Previous Measurement at (2006)  B(  < 1.2 x 10 -6 (90% CL ), B(  = (1.8 -0.9 ± 0.4) x 10 -6 (< 4.0 x 10 -6 @ 90% CL )  2  excess for B 0 →  in 2006 measurement, however both results were limits.  At leading order,  is pure penguin and  is a penguin-tree combination.  Limits on BFs can provide a constraint on amplitudes of  K*. Neither helicity amplitude measurements, nor even significant signal peaks, are required. +1.3 arXiv:hep-ex/0605017, PRD-RC 74, 051102 B 0 →  B 0 →  5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 m ES 5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 m ES Events / 5 MeV Events / 2.5 MeV 233 x 10 6 BB decays

6  Full reconstruction of B 0 candidates, with  →       and  → K + K -  B 0 →  and B 0 →   : Reconstruction New Results in Charmless B Decays at New Results in Charmless B Decays at 20 July 13 J. Albert 5  Resulting B 0 signal candidates are characterized by the standard variables:  For a candidate to be selected, it must satisfy |  E| 0.  Event shape variables are additionally used to help reject continuum background. 471 x 10 6 BB decays m ES =

7 New Results in Charmless B Decays at New Results in Charmless B Decays at 20 July 13 J. Albert 6 B 0 →  and B 0 →  : Maximum Likelihood Fit  We use an unbinned maximum likelihood in the 8 (ω ϕ ) or 9 (ωω) variables:  The likelihood is defined as: where Y j are the free parameters of the fit, i.e. the number of events for each hypothesis (signal, combinatoric background, and peaking background), and P j (x i ) are the probabilities for each hypothesis evaluated from the vector of 7 observables x i, for each of the N total events. + the ω “internal” helicity angle(s) (i.e. angle of the π 0 in the dipion rest frame) = 2 extra variables for ωω, but just 1 extra variable for ω ϕ : m ES  E the resonance masses (2) the resonance helicities (2) an event shape Fisher discriminant 471 x 10 6 BB decays Di-pion (  +  -) rest frame: ++ --  00 

8 B 0 →  and B 0 →   : Fit Result New Results in Charmless B Decays at New Results in Charmless B Decays at 20 July 13 J. Albert 7  B(  = (1.2 ± 0.3 -0.2 ) x 10 -6 (4.4  significance)  B(  < 0.7 x 10 -6 (90% CL )  Largest systematic contributions from fit yield bias estimation (O(5 events) ≲ 10% for  ) and marginalizing over longitudinal vs transverse fraction (f L = 0.88 is used as the nominal central value). +0.3 471 x 10 6 BB decays Brand new! To be submitted to PRL PRELIMINARY Stat. errors only With systematics Stat. errors only With systematics

9 B 0 →  and B 0 →   : Projection Plots New Results in Charmless B Decays at New Results in Charmless B Decays at 20 July 13 J. Albert 8 471 x 10 6 BB decays Brand new! To be submitted to PRL PRELIMINARY

10 2)Measurement of CP violation in B decays to three charged kaons arXiv:1201.5897, PRD 85:112010 (2012)

11 B → 3K CP V 471 x 10 6 BB decays arXiv:1201.5897, PRD 85:112010 (2012) 471 x 10 6 BB decays New Results in Charmless B Decays at New Results in Charmless B Decays at 20 July 13 J. Albert 9 intermediate state

12 B → 3K CP V: Dalitz New Results in Charmless B Decays at New Results in Charmless B Decays at 20 July 13 J. Albert 10 471 x 10 6 BB decays arXiv:1201.5897, PRD 85:112010 (2012) 471 x 10 6 BB decays B + → K + K - K + B + → K + K S K S B 0 → K + K - K S We measure the isobar coefficients c j.

13 B → 3K CP V: CP V(Dalitz) New Results in Charmless B Decays at New Results in Charmless B Decays at 20 July 13 J. Albert 11 = = = = arXiv:1305.4218, SLAC-PUB-15451 Babar vs. LHCb A CP results – similar patterns but constant offset (?):  (1020)

14 B → 3K CP V: Summary arXiv:1201.5897, PRD 85:112010 (2012) ; arXiv:1305.4218 (2013), SLAC-PUB-15451 471 x 10 6 BB decays arXiv:1201.5897, PRD 85:112010 (2012) ; arXiv:1305.4218 (2013), SLAC-PUB-15451 471 x 10 6 BB decays New Results in Charmless B Decays at New Results in Charmless B Decays at 20 July 13 J. Albert 12 Tension in A CP measurements between Babar and LHCb; is there a nonzero offset?

15 1) Evidence (at 4.4  level) for B 0 →   and improved limit for B 0 →  1) Measurement of CP violation inB decays to three charged kaons. Summary World’s most precise measurement of  eff (  K S ): (21 ± 6 ± 2) degrees Brand new! To be submitted to PRL New Results in Charmless B Decays at New Results in Charmless B Decays at 20 July 13 J. Albert 13 B(  = (1.2 ± 0.3 -0.2 ) x 10 -6 B(  < 0.7 x 10 -6 (90% CL) +0.3 arXiv:1201.5897, PRD 85:112010 (2012) ; arXiv:1305.4218 (2013), SLAC-PUB-15451

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