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Our Agenda  Big 6 Reminder  Miss Gomez’s class room rules and procedures  Lesson Procedure  (Class room orientation: as we go)  Get to know you.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Agenda  Big 6 Reminder  Miss Gomez’s class room rules and procedures  Lesson Procedure  (Class room orientation: as we go)  Get to know you."— Presentation transcript:


2 Our Agenda  Big 6 Reminder  Miss Gomez’s class room rules and procedures  Lesson Procedure  (Class room orientation: as we go)  Get to know you


4 1. Do NOT talk when I am talking

5 2. Electronic devices may only be in use when you have permission AND it is DIRECTLY related to the lesson

6 3. Be respectful

7 4. Be Prepared

8 5. Be on time

9 Classroom Procedures 1.Write the objective for the lesson and answer the Do Now *make your best effort; IDK will not earn you credit *you are graded based on an honest effort

10 Classroom Procedures 2. Sometime in the middle of the lesson, we will have a pop quiz question that will count as a test grade each week

11 Classroom Procedures 3. At the end of the lesson we complete a Ticket Out the Door

12 Classroom Procedures 4.Remain Seated in the CLASSROOM until you are dismissed *Do not sit or stand in the lab area *Do not line up at the door *You may ONLY be in the lab area when you have been instructed to

13 Classroom Procedures 5. You have 4 restroom visits per marking period *you will need to sign OUT AND back IN next your name *you MUST have your ID in order to travel the building

14 Classroom Procedures 6. If you are tardy you must fill out a tardy slip BEFORE you enter the classroom (you will NOT be allowed in until you can show me/student your completed slip) AND… give the tardy slip to me BEFORE you are seated *you have 3 days to serve a 10 minute detention during your lunch or afterschool

15 Classroom Procedures 7. Copying/cheating will not be tolerated and I will assume you are copying/cheating if you appear/look suspicious *ex: you have someone else’s paper you completed something in 5 min that clearly takes longer *you will not receive credit for such “work”

16 Classroom Procedures 8. The class wiki is your friend The class calendar is also your friend


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