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Published byAllyson Baldwin Modified over 9 years ago
First Quarter Progress Report: Annual Performance Plan– 2012/13 financial year Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology 29 August 2012 Dr Phil Mjwara Director- General
22 Table of Contents DST vision, mission and goals. Performance of Departmental Programmes First Quarter Expenditure report.
3 Vision and Mission Vision –To create a prosperous society that derives enduring and equitable benefits from science and technology. Mission –To develop, coordinate and manage a National System of Innovation (NSI) that will bring about maximum human capital, sustainable economic growth and improved quality of life for all. 3
44 DST Goals (1) To develop the innovation capacity of the NSI. To enhance South Africa’s knowledge- generation capacity. To develop appropriate science, technology and innovation human capital to meet the needs of society
5 DST Goals (2) To build world-class science, technology and innovation infrastructure. To position South Africa as a strategic international RDI partner and destination.
66 DST Programmes Socio- Economic Partnership Corporate Services & Gov Research Development & Innovation International Cooperation & Resources Human Capital & Knowledge Systems White Paper on S&T, National Research & Development Strategy, Ten-Year Innovation Plan
7 Overall Theme of the Strategic Plan (1) The S&T White Paper, NRDS and the TYIP are all aimed at assisting the country to modernise the economy through the use of science, technology and innovation In order to achieve this, the DST needs to enhance the capacity of the institutions, ensure adequate infrastructure is in place and provide skilled science, engineering and technology Human Capital to generate and exploit knowledge
8 Overall theme of the Strategic plan (2) The Department in the next three to five years will focus its activities on three priority domains: Research and development Human capital development And knowledge infrastructure provision. To do this the DST acknowledges that the knowledge enterprise is an international enterprise and that SA needs to develop international linkages including partnerships with the rest of the continent.
9 National System of Innovation (NSI) (1) The overall aim of the DST is to build an NSI as envisioned in the 1996 White Paper on Science and Technology. NSI can be thought of as a set of functioning institutions, organisations and policies which interact constructively in the pursuit of a common set of social and economic goals and objectives. The NSI is an organising framework for the activities of government and relevant institutions.
10 National System of Innovation (NSI) (2) Whilst a fully fledged NSI is not yet in place, important building blocks have been put in place and need to be enhanced further Several new building blocks are currently being considered to enhance the country’s innovation capacity
11 Research, Development and Innovation Programme (RDI) RDI facilitates knowledge generation and exploitation through research and development in key priority areas such as space science, bio-economy and energy.
Research, Development and Innovation Programme (RDI) (2) Annual TargetQuarter 1 Target Quarter 1 ProgressStatusReason for variance SKA Bid successfulNo Q1 target During May 2012 the global SKA Organisation announced that South Africa and its African partner countries have won right to host approximately 70% of the Square Kilometre Array telescope. Achieved 1 MeerKAT antenna designed and aligned to SKA design No Q1 target Request For Proposal (RFP) and tender for 64 dishes issued. On course 200 construction jobs created in the Northern Cape by 31 March 2013 No Q1 target 142 EPWP construction jobs have been created. On course
Research, Development and Innovation Programme (RDI) (3) Annual TargetQuarter 1 Target Quarter 1 ProgressStatusReasons for variance 50 unemployed science graduates placed in TT100 companies and financially supported by 31 March 2013 Graduates placed by end June 2012 50 interns have been placed Achieved 5 new technology based enterprises Supported through TIA by 31 March 2013 No Q1 target 1 technology based company, called Propeven, was established. The company is the commercialization holding company for the tenofivir gel and is funded by IDC, TIA and CiplaMedpro. On course
14 To develop, promote and manage international relationships, opportunities and science and technology agreements that strengthen the NSI. International Cooperation and Resources Programme (1)
International Cooperation and Resources Programme (2) Annual TargetQuarter 1 target Quarter 1 ProgressStatusReason for variance R240 000 000.00 foreign STI funds leveraged by 31March 2013 (Q1 target is 20m) 20 000 000.00 foreign STI funds leveraged b y 30 June 2012 A total of 13 141 464 foreign funds leveraged by 30 June 2012 Moderate Risk R4000 000.00 outstanding from IBSA call pending approval by the Brazilian Ministry, India and South Africa are ready to launch the call R46 500 000.00 South African and foreign funds spent on S&T-based socio- economic development in Africa by 31 March 2013 No Q1 target A total of R5 131 435 of South African and foreign funds were spent on S&T based socio economic development in Africa. On course
International Cooperation and Resources Programme (3) Annual TargetQuarter 1 Target Quarter 1 ProgressStatusReason for variance 450 South African students participating in international STI cooperation research projects by 31 March 2013 130 students participating by 30 June 2012 A total of 123 (27% of the annual target) students participated in international cooperation STI research projects in countries like Argentina, India, Japan, and Angola Moderate Risk 800 foreign participants in SA’s global knowledge and STI networks by 31 March 2013 225 foreign participants by 30 June 2012 A total of 42 (5% of the annual target) foreign participants in global knowledge and STI networks. High Risk
17 To provide leadership in the creation of an innovative and competitive society with highly skilled human capital, cutting- edge knowledge and research infrastructure. Human Capital and Knowledge Systems Programme (1)
Human Capital and Knowledge Systems Programme (2) Annual TargetQuarter 1 Target Quarter 1 ProgressStatusReason for variance HCD Strategy for Research, Innovation, and Scholarship implementation plan approved by the Minister by 31 March 2013 Finalisation of the approval of the strategy for HCD for Research, Innovation and Scholarship by 30 June 2012 Consultations on the strategy for HCD for Research, Innovation and Scholarship are being made simultaneously with consultations on the implementation plan. Modera te Risk A decision to incorporate an implementation plan within the Strategy document was made therefore delaying the finalisation of the document 6 100 of postgraduate research students by 31 March 2013 (1 600 honours and BTech, 3 000 master's; and 1 500 PhD) NRF Annual Reports on students funded in the previous year by 30 June 2012 The department has received the annual report from the NRF. 3381 (55% of the annual target) were funded by DST by 30 June 2012 through the NRF. Honours students = 788 Masters students = 1 526 Doctoral students = 1 067) On course
Human Capital and Knowledge Systems Programme (3) Annual TargetQuarter 1 TargetQuarter 1 ProgressStatusReaso n for varian ce 385 000 people participated in science awareness and engagement Programmes by 31 March 2013 Awarding of grant funding to appointed organizers of NSW activities by 30 June 2012 85 organisations awarded grants to conduct NSW activities Achieved 2 600 researchers supported through NRF managed programmes by 31 March 2013 1300 researchers supported by 30 June 2012 1 665 researchers supported Achieved 10 new MSc and PhD IKS research students in IKS projects by 31 March 2013 10 IKS MSC and PhD research students recruited and registered by 30 June 2012 19 new MSc and PhD students recruited. Achieved
Human Capital and Knowledge Systems Programme (4) Annual TargetQuarter 1 TargetQuarter 1 ProgressStatusReaso n for varian ce 10 postgraduate students graduated (7 MSc and 3 PhD) through co- supervision at NICs and other nanotechnology. 10 Postgraduate students registered by 30 June 2012 On course 550 postgraduate students supported as interns in SETI work environments by 31 March 2013 550 interns enrolled by 30 June 2012 520 interns enrolled. 95% of the quarter 1 target has been achieved. On course
Human Capital and Knowledge Systems Programme (5) Annual TargetQuarter 1 TargetQuarter 1 Progress StatusReason for variance 5 new photonics flagship projects identified and funded by 30 October 2012 Calls for proposals for Photonics Flagship Projects finalized and issued by 30 June 2012. Calls for proposals for the photonics flagship projects finalised. On course 10 peer-reviewed Publications, 1 prototype and 1 patent resulting from research and innovation internationally filed by 31 March 2013 NICS’ Business plans approved by Exco by 30 June 2012. Both CSIR & Mintek business plans were approved by the DG as part of a 3 year contract. Moderate Risk Business plans are yet to be tabled at EXCO
Human Capital and Knowledge Systems Programme (6) Annual TargetQuarter 1 Target Quarter 1 ProgressStatusReason for variance Cabinet Memorandum on draft legislation on the protection of IK approved by Minister by 31 March 2013 Draft Bill on protection of IK reviewed by the reference team by 30 June 2012 Recommendations and inputs integrated into the draft Version six of the legislation re submitted to legal service unit for further inputs Moderate Risk The drafting process is well on time, however the processes of getting the submissions approved has been affected by the lack of finality to the DTI Amendment Bill process Production processes for 2 candidate products piloted by 31 March 2013 Development of IKS Production of processes for 2 candidate products proposals by 30 June 2012 Agri-business proposal for two Cosmeceutical products developed for TIA support. On course
Human Capital and Knowledge Systems Programme (7) Annual TargetQuarter 1 TargetQuarter 1 ProgressStatu s Reason for variance 15 leads identified for product development by 31 March 2013 Prioritizing of 15 identified leads for products developed by 30 June 2012 7 new leads identified for product development. 4 leads for traditional medicine; 1 lead for oral care, 1 lead for ACNE treatment, and 1 for Nutraceutical were identified. On course 3 IKS patents locally registered by 31 March 2013 Identification of patents by 30 June 2012 5 Cosmeceutical patents identified for filing purposes. 3 Provisional patents have been obtained at UP. On course
24 To enhance growth and development priorities of government through targeted science and technology interventions and development of strategic partnerships with other government departments, industry, research institutions and communities. Socio- Economic Partnership Programme(1)
Socio- Economic Partnership Programme(2) Annual TargetQuarter 1 Target Quarter 1 ProgressStatusReason for variance 373 master's and PhD students Funded or co- funded in designated niche areas such as in ICT, Advanced Manufacturing, Chemicals and Advanced Metals by 31 March 2013 280 master's and PhD students Funded or co- funded in designated niche areas such as in ICT, Advanced Manufacturing, Chemicals and Advance Metals by 31 March 2013 424 (114% of the annual target) Masters and PhD students funded or co- funded in designated niche areas by 30 June 2012. AchievedThe target was exceeded primarily because the South African Research Chairs were more productive than expected 50 funded or co- funded internships in the social sciences and humanities by 31 March 2013 No Q1 target50 Internships were awarded by 31 June 2012. Achieved
Socio- Economic Partnership Programme(3) Annual TargetQuarter 1 Target Quarter 1 ProgressStatusReason for variance 57 peer-reviewed scientific publications by 31 March 2013 5 scientific and technical papers accepted for publication by 30 June 2012 15 (26% of the annual target) peer-reviewed scientific papers published by 31 June 2012. Achieved 15 patents, Prototypes, technology demonstrators or technology transfer packages added to the IP portfolio by 31 March 2013 No Q1 target8 (53% of the annual target) patents, Prototypes, technology demonstrators or technology transfer packages are on course of being added in the IP portfolio. On course
Socio- Economic Partnership Programme(4) Annual TargetQuarter 1 Target Quarter 1 ProgressStatusReasons for variance 50 companies on a register of companies provided with a Technology Assistance Packages (TAP) by 31 March 2013 24 companies on a register of companies provided with a technology assistance package by 30 June 2012 13 TAPS developed and being reviewed by the Technology Localisation Implementation Unit (TLIU). As of 30 June 2012, a total of 36 companies are in the register of companies receiving TAPs, including the 23 existing companies. On course 1 928 small and medium enterprises receiving Technology support by 31 March 2013 482 small and medium enterprises receiving technology support by 30 June 2012 477 SMMES supported in the first quarter. On course
Socio- Economic Partnership Programme(4) Annual TargetQuarter 1 Target Quarter 1 ProgressStatusReasons for variance 5 policy briefings on the innovation system and innovation policy No Q1 target Field work for R&D survey 2010/11 has been completed; Data on government S&T expenditure of 9 out of 25 Departments has been collected. On course
29 Expenditure per programme (June 2012) Programme/ R'thousands Planned expenditure as at end of June 2012 Actual expenditure as at end of June 2012 Deviation from planned expenditure Amount Planned expenditur e as % of total budgetAmount Actual expenditur e as % of total budgetAmount Deviatio n as % of planned spendin g Administration50,49124.9%55,32227.3% (4,831)-9.6% Research Development and Innovation 525,55845.4% 468,50240.5% 57,05610.9% International Cooperation & Resources 31,22422.1% 36,72826.0% (5,504)-17.6% Human Capital & Knowledge Systems 624,07930.7% 387,75019.0% 236,32937.9% Socio-Economic Partnerships475,02533.5% 334,53323.6% 140,49229.6% Total 1,706,37734.4% 1,282,83525.9% 423,54224.8%
30 Expenditure trends – Summary
31 Conclusion MTSF, NRDS and TYIP inform our work. Majority of our 2012/13 APP indicators are on course and should be achieved by the end of the financial year Human capital development, knowledge generation and exploitation, infrastructure and Africa collaboration will remain key focus areas. Robust Monitoring and Evaluation System is being put in place.
32 Conclusion Dankie Enkosi Ha khensa Re a leboga Ro livhuwa Siyabonga Siyathokoza Thank you
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