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Published byBonnie Ward Modified over 9 years ago
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 511 If you live in one of the developed countries of the Western World you have probably turned on your
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 512 television at one time or another and seen a very dishonest looking person talking about the end times (or the end of the world). They talk about how their spirit and the spirits of the other church people will
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 513 rise up into Heaven while the spirits of the non-church people will be suffering in Hell. When we hear things like this on television or in a book on Bible Prophecy, we tend to try to ignore what they are saying because we know
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 514 from our knowledge of science that there is no Heaven and no Hell and even if there was it would be very unlikely that a divine being like God would only allow the souls of the dishonest people
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 515 to rise up into Heaven while the souls of everyone else will be forced to suffer in Hell. But even though we know that something like this could never happen some of us are
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 516 still concerned when we see a television show or read a book about Bible Prophecy that talks about how in the end times the souls of all of the dishonest people are going to be taken up into
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 517 Heaven while the souls of everyone else will be forced to suffer in Hell. To understand why church people continue talking about how someday the souls of the dishonest people will go to Heaven while the souls of
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 518 everyone else will suffer in Hell (when science tells us that this could never happen), it might be useful to see what would happen if one of the people who is a doubting Thomas could sit down and talk openly with a church
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 519 leader and ask them how this could possibly be true. If a doubting Thomas could sit down with a Church Leader and talk openly about this topic the conversation might
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 520 go something like the following: "Church Leader," asks the doubting Thomas, "people in the church have been preaching about the end times for over 200 years. In every generation people in the church have believed that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 521 they were living in the last times and that soon the souls of the church people would rise up to Heaven while the souls of everyone else would suffer in Hell. I know that you as a Church Leader in the world today who was
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 522 raised with the same knowledge of science that I was raised with would probably have trouble picturing a situation where something like this could happen."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 523 "First of all, Thomas," replied the Church Leader, "I'd like to say that I will talk openly with you today but I want you to know that if you repeat anything that I say to another person, I will deny that our conversation ever took place.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 524 You are right in assuming that I do not believe that one day the souls of church people who have passed away will rise up out of the ground and will go up to place called Heaven where
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 525 they will be met by church people who are still alive whose souls have also risen up into a placed called Heaven. And I also do not believe that the souls of non- church people who have passed away will descent into
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 526 a place called Hell where they will be met by non-church people who are still alive whose souls have also descended into a place called Hell. Thomas, what I'm about to say might not seem to fit in with our discussion about the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 527 end times but it is important. Many people such as yourself who doubt the existence of spiritual forces are victims of something called spiritual slavery. Those people such as yourself who are victims
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 528 of spiritual slavery will often have other people deprive them of their spiritual energy early in life and also throughout their life. One way that people make other people into their spiritual slaves is by doing something
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 529 unfair to them or saying something unfair about them and then denying that they have done anything wrong. When people make other people into spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 530 slaves they will also blame them unfairly whenever something goes wrong."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 531 "When a person becomes another person's spiritual slave, they end up absorbing the pressure that should be going to the person who has made them into their spiritual slave. The individual who has been made into a
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 532 spiritual slave will have to deal with not only the pressure in their own life but they also will have to absorb the pressure that is being directed towards the person who has made them into spiritual slave. If they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 533 eventually, with insight into the nature of their situation, get some sort of psychological release where they no longer feel the need to absorb the pressure of the people who made them into a spiritual slave, they will
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 534 notice very soon that they will have increased pressure put upon them by people who are upset that the person who made them into a spiritual slave is not happy about the new situation where they have to absorb the pressure
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 535 that was previously absorbed for them by their spiritual slave. The person who has been forced to become a spiritual slave might also be accused of being evil after they break free from their spiritual slavery. The ones
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 536 who have been using them as a spiritual slave might say that they are feeling increased negative spiritual energy coming into them and they might claim that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 537 person is evil and has put a curse on them and that is why they are feeling increased negative spiritual energy coming into them. Actually, they are just feeling the negative spiritual energy that the spiritually and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 538 psychologically vulnerable person had been absorbing for them through the years. But being as the person who made the more vulnerable person into a spiritual slave is going through obvious spiritual and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 539 psychological pain as a result of what has occurred, it will appear to anyone observing the situation that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person probably has in fact put some sort of a curse on
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 540 the other person. The spiritual slave will now be cast in the role of an evil person and the person who had been a spiritual slave will be forced to go back into their old role where they were being forced to absorb the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 541 pressure that is being directed towards the person who had made the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person into their spiritual slave."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 542 Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave) Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person, or spiritual slave (Person B) being forced to absorb pressure that is being sent by the person on the left (Person A) to the person on the right (Person C). In the following graphic you see what happens if Person B manages to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 543 Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave) Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Person B) managing to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C. As can be expected, Person C will probably not be very happy about having to absorb the pressure that is now coming into them from Person A (pressure that was once being absorbed for them by Person B).
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 544 Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave) Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Person B) being forced to absorb pressure that is being sent by the person on the left (Person A) to the person on the right (Person C). For a short time Person B had managed to get out of the line of fire, but then Person C complained that Person B had put a curse on them that was sending negative spiritual energy into them. The negative spiritual energy was actually coming from Person A, but the group forced Person B to once again start absorbing the pressure that was being sent by Person A to Person C.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 545 "Thomas, it is very hard for people who use other people as their spiritual slaves to stop what they are doing and to set their spiritual slaves free. Back in the 1800's many people were forced to give up their slaves. This was hard
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 546 for them because the slaves were a source of very inexpensive labor for them. When they were forced to give up their slaves they had to start hiring people at the market rate for employees and that rate was
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 547 much higher than what they previously had to pay to use slaves to do the work that needed to be done. In the same way it is hard for people who have spiritual slaves to give up those spiritual slaves. When they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 548 give up their spiritual slaves and are forced to deal with the pressures that the spiritual slave had previously been absorbing for them, they will find that their lives will start to become much more
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 549 difficult for them. Do you have any questions about what we've discussed so far, Thomas?"
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 550 "Church Leader", replied Thomas, "there is quite a bit of documentation about supernatural types of things, such as people speaking in tongues (going into a type of a trance and speaking
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 551 languages that they never learned). I know that I'm a skeptic but in the back of my mind I know there are some things that go on that we can't explain. Even if it is just mystical guesswork on your part, could you please give
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 552 me some way to picture in my mind what the dishonest looking person on television is actually talking about when they say that their soul and the souls of other church people are going to rise up to Heaven while the souls of
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 553 everybody else will suffer in Hell. Also, could you please try to explain how some church people are able to speak in foreign tongues? And why is it that sometimes people who were
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 554 very logical throughout their lives might start talking in a delirious manner when they are close to the end of their life, giving other people the impression that they are
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 555 actually talking to someone even though there is no one in the room with them?"
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 556 "First of all, Thomas", replied the Church Leader, "I'll give you my analysis of what is happening when a person speaks in a foreign language that they have never learned during a church meeting or when someone close to death
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 557 starts talking to someone who is not in the room. When it comes to things of a supernatural nature, I think we have to consider that perhaps we ourselves are the mechanism for these
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 558 apparently supernatural phenomenon. For example, someone at a meeting in their office in Chicago might be communicating subconsciously with a person speaking in tongues in a church meeting or a
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 559 person who is dying in another city (and the person at the meeting in Chicago might not be aware of the subconscious spiritual activity that is taking place). This might be some
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 560 sort of comfort mechanism that mankind has developed through the years to help us in times of need or times of distress."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 561 "Thomas, when you see that dishonest looking person on television talk about their soul and the souls of the other church people going to Heaven and other people's souls going to Hell, I think they are actually referring
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 562 to the Collective Subconscious. Some people believe in reincarnation but what I think actually happens is that when a person is born spiritual energy comes into them from other people who they interact with early in
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 563 their life but also that spiritual energy comes into them through the Collective Subconscious. We are all connected to each other spiritually through the Collective Subconscious. It is my belief that throughout
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 564 the history of mankind every person who has ever lived has had exchanges of subconscious spiritual energy and spiritual information with other people through the Collective Subconscious. The part of
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 565 ourselves that is involved in these exchanges of spiritual energy and spiritual information with other people is the soul. This spiritual energy and spiritual information moves at such an incredibly fast speed that we
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 566 are not conscious of it. When we pass away our soul goes out into the Collective Subconscious and our soul will in this manner still be alive inside of other people who continue to live after we have passed on into the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 567 afterlife. Individuals such as yourself who are spiritual slaves feel uncomfortable when you hear people talk with confidence about the afterlife. You sense that they really believe what they are saying and that they really
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 568 believe that they will have a more prominent place in the afterlife than will people such as yourself who are spiritual slaves. And I think they are probably right. In your position as a spiritual slave you have weaker exchanges
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 569 of spiritual energy and spiritual information with other people than do people who are not spiritual slaves. This means not only that life will be harder for you than it is for people who have normal exchanges of spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 570 energy and spiritual information with other people (people who are not spiritual slaves) but also that when you pass on into the afterlife there will be less of your
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 571 spiritual energy (or soul) going out to the Collective Subconscious. When you pass on into the afterlife you will probably not be able to put as much of your soul into the Collective Subconscious as will people who have
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 572 stronger levels of spiritual energy. Church people might talk about how they are going to Heaven and how you going to Hell, but what they really mean is that they will have more of their soul out in the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 573 Collective Subconscious comforting people who are in distress and performing other spiritual tasks after they pass away than you will."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 574 Group Member #3 Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #2Group Member #1
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 575 "Thomas, I know that you are more sensitive to talk about the end times and the soul going to Heaven or Hell than a lot of people today. There are people in the world today who are spiritual slaves like you are but who would break
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 576 out laughing if they heard a dishonest looking person on television talking about souls going to Heaven or Hell. These people are spiritual slaves like yourself but while you were made into a spiritual slave by people in
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 577 the church, they on the other hand were made into spiritual slaves by people who were not church people. These individuals who were made into spiritual slaves by non-church people get nervous when they hear one
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 578 of the people who made them into a spiritual slave talk about death in a light-hearted and confident manner. They know these people must be nervous about death and it doesn't make sense to them why these people could talk
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 579 in such a confident manner about death. These non-church people who have made others into their spiritual slaves are of course at least somewhat afraid of death but they are not as afraid of it as the people
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 580 who are their spiritual slaves. They know that they not only have an advantage over their spiritual slaves in life but that they will also have a better position in the afterlife than their spiritual slaves will have.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 581 These non-church spiritual slave masters (just like the church slave masters) know that they will have more of their souls out in the Collective Subconscious comforting people who are in distress and performing other
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 582 spiritual tasks after they pass away than will the people who they have made into their spiritual slaves. Do you have any other questions about this, Thomas?"
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 583 "No", replied Thomas, "I think I understand both spiritual slavery and the afterlife much better than I did before. If I and if other spiritual slaves such as myself manage to break free of our spiritual slavery, we will be making
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 584 things much better for ourselves both in this world and in the afterlife where we will exist in the Collective Subconscious. Now I know why the dishonest looking person on the television looks so smug when they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 585 talk about the afterlife. They are not really sure how good it will be for them but they know for sure that their position in the afterlife will be better than the position of their spiritual slaves."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 586 Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person, or spiritual slave (Person B) managing to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C. Once before Person B had gotten out of the line of fire but then Person C complained about the increased pressure they were feeling and the group forced Person B to absorb the pressure once again. This time, with insight into the situation, Person B was able to get out of the line of fire and was able to stay out of the line of fire. Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave) Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 587 It appears that cultures throughout the world will eventually move away from the old fashioned practice of using other people as spiritual slaves, but it will no doubt take some time for this change to take place. As we
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 588 move away from the present situation where spiritual slavery is thought to be necessary, the lives of the millions of spiritual slaves who live on the earth today will start to improve and these people will also have
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 589 reason to hope that their position in the afterlife in the Collective Subconscious will be better than was the position of the spiritual slaves who went on into the afterlife before them. Copyright 2010 Don Bergquist
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